21 Things You Didn’t Know About Dogs (part 2)

21 things you didn't know about dogs (part 2)

Everyone likes curiosities, especially if they concern man’s best friend. It is dogs that are the most loved and widespread pets in the world. Here then we have decided to present a further list with the most interesting and particular things about the canine universe.

Things you didn’t know about dogs

Let’s continue our journey through the curiosities about the dog world:

11- Smell 100,000 times more powerful than human

The sense of smell in humans works thanks to about 5 million olfactory receptors. In dogs, their number is considerably higher and can reach 300 million. Incredible!

12- The most fashionable dogs in the United States

In some cities like New York, Miami or Los Angeles, rents are very expensive. So it would be fair to think that people prefer small to medium sized dogs. In fact, Americans are extravagant in that too. Let’s see together the  10 most fashionable dogs in the United States :

sitting labrador with collar and bone-shaped pendant

  • Labrador
  • Golden Retriever
  • German Shepherd
  • Beagle
  • Yorkshire
  • Bulldog
  • Boxer
  • Poodle
  • Rottweiler
  • Dachshund

An interesting fact: the Labrador has been in first position for over twenty years.

13- Dogs help prevent asthma and colds

Let’s talk about a scientifically proven fact. Studies have shown that children who grow up with dogs are less likely to suffer from asthma or continual colds. It seems that thanks to its contact with the outside world, and the continuous exchange with microorganisms and bacteria, it makes children’s systems stronger, less vulnerable than common viruses.

14- What is the oldest dog breed?

The answer may surprise you, as it is not one of the most popular breeds. His name is Saluki and he is a type of greyhound dog with a distinctive long coat on his ears. It seems that its origin dates back to Ancient Egypt. His presence at the pharaoh’s court was considered a real luxury and, when one of these specimens died, the dog was mummified and received equal honors to those dedicated to the highest dignitaries.

15- A dog can suffer from depression

They may have what is known as seasonal affective disorder. That is, a change of mood due to the changing of the seasons, especially present when the winter months arrive.

If your dog is sadder than usual, the solution is to give him more time and attention. Playing, cuddling, walking in the open air… Make him feel how important he is to you.

16- What are the most resistant dogs?

Without a doubt the Siberian Husky. In addition to being fast, almost like the famous greyhounds, they have strong bones and muscles that allow them to travel 160 km a day without stopping. Here is explained their use in  sled relays.

17- They also fall in love

The dog’s brain secretes oxytocin, the love hormone, which allows you to interact emotionally, both with other animals or dogs and with your owner.

So, the hormone that allows you to create a bond between you and your dogs is the same that allows them to fall in love.

18- More or less intelligent dogs

The golden palm for canine intelligence definitely goes to the Border Collie, Poodle and German Shepherd. Less gifted are the Afghan Hound and the Basenji.

19- The French poodle was not born in France

The famous glamorous little dog  , often combed and styled like a real mademoiselle, is not , however, a native of France, despite the name. Its homeland is instead Germany. The truth is hidden in the etymology of his name which, in fact, in German would indicate the nice curls formed by his hair.

Why do you keep calling it ‘French’? Probably for its charm and elegance.

20- The first to fly into space? A dog!

wolf on the meadow

She was Russian and her name was Laika… ” Thus begins a song by the famous Spanish group Mecano. A tribute to the dog that was launched aboard the Soviet space capsule Sputnik 2, in 1957. Her sacrifice made it possible to prepare the next space missions. A curiosity: his daughter Pushinka had puppies from the dog of the then US president, JF Kennedy.

21- Dogs accused of witchcraft

In the Middle Ages, dogs were the favorite companions of witches and psychics. The superstitious of the time believed that these animals were carriers of black magic or, in any case, represented a link with the afterlife. For these futile reasons, a dog was hanged in Salem in 1692.

In short, there are many things to know about dogs. We hope you liked these curiosities and, if you know others, all you have to do is post them on our Facebook page.

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