5 Different Breeds Of Greyhounds

5 different breeds of greyhounds

We all know what kind of dog a greyhound is, but did you know that there are different varieties and that they are very different from each other? In this article we will tell you about the most famous greyhound breeds and what their characteristics are.

These are very ancient animals that come from different parts of the world. They are  very representative greyhound breeds of this type of dog, widespread practically on all five continents.

The different breeds of greyhounds

Afghan hound

This dog  – visible in the photo above –  is one of the most amazing greyhounds in existence. It has very long fur, which stands out on any other feature of its body. Its hair is smooth and silky, of a brilliant golden color. While this might seem like an impediment to moving and running, it isn’t at all.

This animal is capable of reaching 60 km / h, as a maximum speed, being able to maintain 20 km / h indefinitely. It comes from Afghanistan, as the name suggests, and until recently it was almost impossible to adopt a specimen of this breed. In fact, it was revered and protected as a national treasure.

In fact, all the Afghan dogs that were in the country once belonged to the monarch, until British troops arrived and, in the course of the invasion, managed to import the first specimens into their country. Over time they expanded to the rest of Europe.

Russian greyhound

If there is an elegant, tall and thin greyhound with a demeanor that really appeals to everyone, this is the Russian greyhound. It is also known by the name of Borzoi and was for years the dog of Russian tsars and nobles, who used it to hunt wolves.


In addition to the wolves, it was used to  also cacciara hares, an element that makes us understand what speed can reach this beautiful canid . However, despite his skills, beauty was what most monarchs admired in him. And, therefore, it was easy to find some specimens inside their palaces.

It is speculated that this breed was born from a cross between Arabian Greyhounds, especially by looking at their hair, which protects them from colder climates.


This greyhound comes from Africa, from one of the areas near the desert. It is believed to have been raised by the Tuareg tribe. It is used for hunting rabbits and hares thanks to the fact that it can reach speeds of up to 40 km / h.

Azawakh greyhound runs on the water's edge

Unlike other greyhound breeds, the Azawakh is taller than long. As in the case of the Afghan hound, in the past it was the symbol of the tribe, which is why its sale was not allowed. Its export was allowed only from the 1970s onwards and this allowed a fair spread in Europe.

It is said that a western hunter was able to save a greyhound during a charge of elephants and that the tribe, as a sign of gratitude, allowed him to take with him two specimens, a male and a female.

Scottish Greyhound

Apparently, the Deerhound doesn’t look like a greyhound. Its long legs and slender body make it a very peculiar animal. For years it has been used in Scotland to hunt deer and wild boar thanks not only to its speed, but also to its strength.

Gray hairy scottish galgo in a forest

It is not well known where the earliest specimens of this greyhound came from, as some believe it was the Phoenicians who brought them to Scotland, while others think it was the work of the Celts.

Its long hair is perfect for protecting it from the cold Scottish winters. Interestingly, fur is not present on the underside of its paws, giving it a very sheep-like appearance.


Of all the greyhound breeds, this is certainly the least known. It comes from Banjara, India, the only place where it enjoys some popularity. Many even believe that it is not sufficiently distributed to be considered a separate breed.

Levriero banjara salta e corre nella natura
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/

Its elongated, tall and slender appearance leaves no doubt that it is a greyhound, but there are some features on its face that reveal the crossing with other types of dogs. One reason why classifying it is really complicated. Either way, his speed and skills have earned him a place among the most famous greyhound breeds.

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