5 Typical Animals Of Central America

Some of the species that inhabit the isthmus are very peculiar and unique to the region, so they cannot be seen in the wild. Fortunately, they are not hunted by humans and are in good health.
5 animals characteristic of Central America

If there is one thing that Central America stands out for, it is for the nature and diversity of its flora and fauna.

The climate and the extent of the natural habitat for many animals have transformed this area into a place rich in species.

Here are some animals of Central America.

Why are there so many animal species in Central America?

Tropical forests have everything many species could want: warmth, shade, rivers, food, and more. Although it is difficult to think that many animals live in countries with a warm climate such as Panama or Nicaragua, the reality testifies to the exact opposite.

Indeed, there are species that are impossible to see in other places, because only in the tropical forests of Central America can they find the balance they need.

On the other hand, hunting is not widespread and very aggressive in those countries, so the largest predator on Earth, man, has not been able to endanger the existence of these species.

It is also possible that the species living in the countries of Central America possess nothing of interest to humans, such as skin or fur, and this is exactly what has kept them alive to this day.

In this article, we will look at some of the most fascinating and surprising species that only live in the Central American isthmus.

Characteristic animals of Central America

The Central American Agouti Rat

This small animal is a rodent belonging to the Dasyproctidae family that lives in Mexico and extends its habitat to Ecuador. The main place where we can find the Central American agouti rats – see image that opens the article – is in the forest, as long as it is less than 2000 meters high.

This animal can measure around 62 centimeters and weigh up to three kilos. It lives in burrows and seeks refuge in the roots of trees. Due to its small size, it is a vulnerable prey and therefore takes refuge in places where it can hide. As a defense method, it swells the skin, which makes it appear much larger than it looks, to scare off its attackers.

The jaguar

Although this animal is often thought to live in Africa, it can also be found in the forests and jungles of Central America. It is a  large feline that is distinguished by black spots on its golden skin.

Central American jaguar

Its speed is one of the most distinctive characteristics, as it can reach 60 km / h. Its bite can be lethal, and is unlike that of many other felines.

For example, one of its hunting tactics is to aim straight at its prey’s head and bite until it crosses the skull and reaches the brain.

The toucan: one of the animals of Central America

The toucan is a beautiful tropical colored bird with a huge beak. It is a species present only in this region of the world and which can measure around 65 centimeters and weigh up to 680 grams.

The toucan

Interestingly, it has teeth that resemble small saws that are used to chew food, a feature it does not share with any other bird.

The hummingbird

The hummingbird and the hummingbird bee are found in Central America, and also in large quantities. They are birds of extreme beauty, with beautifully colored feathers. They are characterized above all by the speed of their flight.


They can move their wings about 55 times per second. They measure no more than 10 centimeters in length, not to mention the smallest species, the hummingbird bee, which does not exceed 5.5 centimeters.

The armadillo: among the animals of Central America

The armadillo is an easy mammal to recognize, because its body is covered with a shell of bony plates that give it a very original appearance. This structure allows it to roll up on itself like a ball as a method of defense.

Lonely armadillo

It eats insects and plants, its teeth are shaped like small cylinders, uniform shapes and open roots. They usually have around 25 on each jaw.

Have you ever seen any of these animals up close? Well, if you want to, you’ll have to travel to Central America. What are you waiting for?

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