7 Destinations To See Wild Animals In The Wild

If you want to learn about some species of wild animals but can’t bear to see any living beings in cages, the best thing you can do is to organize a trip to one of the following destinations.
7 destinations to see wild animals in freedom

If you want to observe nature in its full beauty, there is nothing better than seeing wild animals in freedom.

It is truly exciting to gaze upon these beautiful living beings as they live and move in their natural habitat. Without bars or windows, where people are mere spectators.

Leave aside the zoos, which are “comfortable” prisons for animals. We are talking about traveling where animals live, in distant and fascinating places, where a different meaning of life is preserved. To help you with this, we have decided to present you 7 destinations to see wild animals in freedom.

Where to see wild animals in the wild?

1. Virunga National Park

It is the first national park on the African continent, located in the Republic of Congo, and includes two mountain ranges: Virunga and Ruwenzori.

It is known to be the natural habitat of mountain gorillas, which are sadly in danger of extinction due to poaching and wars in the country.

Giraffes with crossed necks

This park consists of plains and plateaus. In addition to seeing these beautiful primates, you will be able to observe hippos, elephants, giraffes, chimpanzees, buffaloes and endemic birds.

2. Everglades National Park

If you are lucky enough to go on vacation to the United States , we suggest you make a stop in Miami. In this popular area of ​​Florida, lies the Everglades area. It is a large wetland in the south-east, where the famous American alligator, emblem of the park, lives.

To cross this marshy reserve, excursions are organized by hydrofoil, a kind of boat equipped with an aerial propeller, which can easily cross the dense vegetation.

Although it is always hot in this state, the best time to see wild animals in the wild is from November to April. During these months it rains less and there is less humidity.

3. Galapagos Islands

Located in the Pacific Ocean and nearly 1,000km off the coast of Ecuador, to which they belong, these islands are famous for hosting the huge Galapagos tortoises.

This archipelago, in turn, has great biological and scientific importance, as it was the scene where Charles Darwin began his investigations. These were crucial in laying the foundations for his theory of the evolution of the species.

Returning to the present, this place is perfect for seeing wild animals in the wild. In addition to turtles, you will find marine and land iguanas, lizards, sea lions and many birds.

For example finches, penguins, cormorants, herons, gulls and swallows.

4. Serengeti National Park

Let’s go back to Africa, but in this case we go to Tanzania to visit one of the most famous parks in the world. There live the ” big five “: lions, elephants, leopards, rhinos and buffaloes.

Of course, this reserve, an ancient territory of the Masai tribe, is home to many other species : zebras, vultures, flamingos, storks, hippos, cheetahs, foxes, hares and wild cats.

A truly ideal destination to go on a family safari.

Serengeti Park among places where you can see wild animals in freedom

5. Kangaroo Island

With this name you can already get an idea of ​​what you will find once you get off the plane. Many marsupials! To get here you will pass through the city of Adelaide, Australia, which is approximately 100 kilometers southeast of the continent.

Only a third of the well-known  Kangaroo Island has been declared a national park, a large protected reserve that has the most visited area in Flinders Chase. This sanctuary is ideal for seeing wild animals in the wild and, even better, some species that have been taken from the mainland to prevent them from becoming extinct, such as the koala and the platypus.

6. Iberá Ecotourism Park

In northeastern Argentina, this 1.3 million hectare reserve, rich in meadows, canals and wetlands, is home to the following species: caiman, capybara (a large rodent), otter, marsh deer and the aquatic guazú. The latter three are currently in danger of extinction.

Of the total area of ​​the estuaries, a water-flooded ecosystem, approximately 150,000 hectares have been donated by the government through an ecological foundation. This, with the aim of avoiding indiscriminate felling of trees, poaching and real estate speculation.

7. Cenderawasih Bay

Although its name seems difficult to pronounce, this location located in Indonesia is becoming very popular with those who wish to see wild animals in their natural habitat.

In particular, here you will be able to closely observe the huge whale shark. Few people know that, despite being the largest fish in existence, it is nevertheless harmless. Every day he approaches the fishing boats, in search of food.

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