How To Feed Your Pet Well

How to feed your pet well

To feed your cats and dogs well and adequately, you need to pay attention to several factors. Animals, as well as humans, require certain nutrients depending on the stage of life they are in. There are huge differences in a puppy’s diet compared to an older dog or cat, evidently. To help you, here is a small guide that will reveal tips and tricks for always perfect nutrition for your four-legged friends.

Feeding cats and dogs well: how to do it?

On this topic, for some time now, many different opinions have developed. There are information and awareness campaigns which often even contradict each other. Extreme positions that certainly do not help animal owners.

There is that he defends the food to the bitter end, indicating that it is balanced, organic and selected food or prepared according to the dietary needs of dogs and cats. From their point of view, the best diet is the one based on feed.

How to feed your pet well

Other people argue that the feed is instead harmful, because it is artificial. They therefore prefer to prepare baby food and foods for their animals at home and by hand, checking the ingredients and quantities themselves.

Finally, we find those who defend the wild nature of dogs and cats. They are the promoters of the so-called raw diet. That is, he recommends feeding animals as if they were free in the midst of nature.

How to choose pet food

The first recommendation we make is, as anticipated, invest time and patience in documenting and informing you. Never make rash decisions lightly when it comes to nutrition. A mistake can be dangerous for the health and physical integrity of your dog or cat. Let’s see some examples:

  • Never blindly trust advertising (which pursues mere commercial interests).
  • Talk to your vet and animal nutrition specialists.
  • It is always better to listen to more than one opinion.

What is most important is being able to obtain a quantity of information, certain and verified, which is used to build a solid point of view. In the end, you will always decide for your pet. A great responsibility that must be taken seriously.

How to know if your pet is well fed

Feeding a dog or cat well means seeing them happy and active. To know, therefore, if the food and diet you offer your dog and cat are correct, just pay attention to some elements. In fact, your four-legged friend will show you any shortcomings or inconveniences.

To understand if you are feeding your pet the right way, check for these visual details :

  • Its coat is bright and thick.
  • Its weight remains constant.
  • Shows energy, vitality, playability and good humor.

Tips for feeding your pet well

Once you are informed about the best food to give to your dog or cat, it is important to respect a number of elements. In this way you will guarantee the animal a correct and sufficient diet. The real key to growing and living in the best possible way.

Before filling the bowl with baby food, keep in mind:

  • Size, breed, weight and age of the animal.
  • His health conditions.
  • Any particularities of the dog or cat.
  • Quantity and frequency of food.

If you have decided to provide your pet with homemade food, remember that:

  • Dogs and cats have different metabolisms than humans. Not all foods that are right for you are optimal for the animal stomach.
  • Calculate the doses carefully, to ensure the daily requirement of calories, vitamins and proteins.
  • Before starting this home diet, consult a specialist. The expert in animal nutrition will be able to give you certain information and advise you on certain ingredients for a greater well-being of the animal.

To have a healthy pet, food is not enough

How to feed your pet well

Feeding your pet well is crucial for its well-being. If you have a well-fed dog or cat, they will have a solid immune system and will live longer. Also, not least, they will be healthy and happy animals.

Of course, a good meal is not enough to replace the attention, pampering and affection that these animals inevitably demand. Nutrition is a decisive starting point, to which we must add:

  • Periodic checks by the vet.
  • Vaccines and antiparasitic treatments.
  • A clean and large dedicated space.
  • Time to play together.
  • Plenty of fresh water.
  • Walking and outdoor activities (for dogs and some types of felines).

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