When Does The Relationship Between Dog And Man Begin?

When does the relationship between dog and man begin? Let’s go back to the past to answer this and other questions.
When does the relationship between dog and man begin?

The domestic dog ( Canis lupus familiaris ) is a subspecies of the wolf ( Canis lupus ) that belongs to the canine family. Over the centuries, this animal has undergone a great transformation, both in appearance and behavior, which has made it the best friend of man we are used to today. In this article, we will see when the relationship between the dog and the man begins.

Genetic variety and breed concept in dogs

Over 400 dog breeds are currently recognized, more than seen in any other species. The concept of race implies aesthetic standardization, which in turn requires the creation of selective crosses.

Therefore, purebred dogs have a lower genetic variety and a higher level of inbreeding. In fact, purebred dogs are more similar to each other, at least in their phenotype, than dogs born from crosses.

Considering all breeds and mestizos, the domestic dog is one of the most diverse mammals in its genetics and phenotype. That is, each specimen is unique in its physiognomy, appearance and behavior.

When does the relationship between dog and man begin?

Experts agree that the dog was one of the first animals to be domesticated by humans. However, there is still a great deal of debate as to what the first domestic dog would have looked like and where he would have lived.

In the various analyzes of the antiquity of domestic dogs, the fossil evidence uncovered in recent decades continues to cause disagreement among researchers.

In 2008, the oldest fossil remains belonging to the ancestors of the domestic dog were found. According to estimated calculations, these remains found in the Goyet cave (Belgium) are around 31,000 years old.

However, some genome studies of current dog breeds show that the first domestic dog most likely lived in Africa. Furthermore, they point out that the Basenji, the famous “dumb dog” of the Congo, may be the oldest dog breed in the world.

Such evidence suggests that the domestication process would have started independently in Africa and Eurasia some 15,000 years ago. However, due to historical and commercial circumstances, most of the breeds we know have a Eurasian origin.

Congo mute dog on black background

How does dog taming start?

This question remains a major challenge for historians and researchers. How to explain the starting point of the great bond between humans and dogs across so many centuries?

The first thing is to understand that dog taming was not a phenomenon that took shape overnight. The transformation of the first domesticated wolves into the domestic dog was a slow and gradual process that lasted for many years and that laid the foundation for the creation of the relationship between dog and man.

Dog-to-man relationship: a matter of mutual interest

It is estimated that it could all have started with a mutual convenience to share the territory. Wolves and humans alike have found survival benefits in sticking together and establishing a balanced coexistence.

Probably, the first wolves to approach human villages were looking for warmth, shelter and a safe environment in which to give birth to their young. For all these reasons, humans may have chosen not to scare them or have preferred not to conflict with seemingly friendly animals.

Quickly, humans realized that these tame wolves were great allies in hunting. With their help, they were able to reach prey more easily and provide food for their families. Thus begins the relationship between the dog and the man.

It is also likely that humans and wolves felt, by being together, that they were able to better protect their community. Together, humans and dogs have improved their strength and intelligence to defeat predators and improve their quality of life.

Dog playing with the mistress

The dog adapts to man: breeds are born

By understanding all the abilities of dogs, humans begin to select the specimens that seemed stronger, intelligent and therefore useful. In this way, through selective crossbreeding, they begin to refine certain characteristics and strengthen some instinctive abilities.

This is the starting point for creating the enormous diversity of races we know today. For this reason, there are so many dogs with strong hunting instincts, herders and with an explicit devotion to work.

Logically, education and emotional bonding are also fundamental for dogs and have allowed them to adapt organically to human needs and lifestyle.

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