Preparing The Dog For The Summer: Prevention And Safety

Preparing the dog for the summer: prevention and safety

Preparing the dog for the summer is essential so that it does not suffer too much from the heat, tolerates the absence of its owners well and is well prepared for travel and excursions. The many aspects related to holidays in the sun cannot be underestimated.

Although summer is an ideal season for traveling and outdoor activities, it is also true that it hides small dangers and possible inconveniences for our four-legged friends. Therefore, it is important to  prepare the dog for the summer , with the aim of always protecting his health, both physical and mental.

Why should I prepare my dog ​​for the summer?

As you can see, there are typical summer issues affecting your pet. Let’s talk, for example, about the climatic conditions, timetables, possible trips, excursions. Everything becomes a problem for the animal, as its normal  routine can undergo severe changes compared to the rest of the year.

What measures are needed so that the dog or other pets do not suffer in the summer ? There are some good habits that will help you in the warmer months, such as strengthening hydration, shortening fur, visiting and deworming. Let’s see them all:

How to prepare your dog for summer?

1. Hydration

Undoubtedly, hydration is one of the most important aspects to consider for the health of the dog during the summer. In fact, if humans suffer from high temperatures, in the case of dogs the situation is even more serious, as they are considerably more sensitive to heat.

In pet shops you can buy portable drinking troughs . In addition to the normal bottles, there are also devices that will allow your pet to drink at any time, even if you are away from home. In this way, you will not run the risk of suffering from a lack of fluids.

2. Clipping

It is advisable to take the dog to a canine hairdresser in late spring. On many occasions the animal will only need a little thinning, as not all breeds need shearing. It will be sufficient to remove only the dead hair that has accumulated in the previous months, in order to promote better ventilation of the skin.

girl shearing cocker dog

3. Dog hotels and boarding houses

One of the biggest problems pet owners have is where to leave the pet during the summer holidays. Fortunately, today there are several alternatives. The first is to entrust the dog to a trusted person. It will need to be a known friend or family member to avoid stress and anxiety.

The second option is to leave the pet in a dog house or hotel. It is important to be careful and choose the structure well. Inquire directly, visit the place and ask the managers for sufficient guarantees. To make the adaptation less complicated, you can bring your four-legged friend’s kennel, bowls and toys and visit this place together before leaving him. It will feel more familiar to him.

4. Travel and transfers

Sometimes, commuting by car, ship, train, or plane can be stressful for dogs. For example, some dogs can suffer from dizziness even just when traveling by car. If you have decided to bring your four-legged friend with you, you will need to plan your trip in advance and ask your vet what steps to take, as appropriate.

a little dog with glasses in a suitcase

We also recommend that you get your dog used to getting into the car several days before. You will then need to familiarize yourself with the pet carrier. The ideal is to always resort to positive reinforcement, using rewards. Get the dog in and out of the car. Then, make short trips, longer and longer, to arrive prepared for the day of the trip.

5. Health protection

During the summer, of course, you will take your dog out more often. Contacts with other people and animals will be considerably more numerous and, as a consequence, also exposure to the possible contagion of ticks, fleas and other parasites. In this regard, it is good to carry out a complete deworming  and prevent the risk of infections. Always keep the vaccine booklet up to date, which you will need if you want to bring the animal to certain foreign countries.

6. Bathing and swimming

It is important not to force the dog to enter the sea or the pool. Some dog breeds love to swim, but others don’t. If the animal shows fear of water, forget it and look for other pastimes to do together. This experience can mark him for a lifetime. Later, calmly and with the help of a dog trainer, you can take action to eliminate this phobia.

Keep in mind that a dog entering and exiting the water may accumulate moisture in different parts of the body that are difficult to dry, such as the ears. Always use clean towels and also check for residues. The accumulation of water and debris would favor the proliferation of bacteria and microbes.

As you have seen, it is very important to prepare the dog for the summer. In this way, you can better protect his health, avoiding unnecessary problems and preventing what may be the most common problems.

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