8 Animals That Live In Rivers

When referring to the fauna of rivers, it must be borne in mind that we do not always speak of the same species.
8 animals that live in rivers

Amazon River, Nile, Mississippi, Yangtze River, Danube, Po… These large and famous rivers all possess different fauna, although they share some characteristics with each other. Such as the natural streams of water that flow into the sea. Or, on the contrary, they flow into small tributaries. In this article we will tell you about the animals that live in rivers. That is, of those species that, over the centuries, have adapted to live in this particular  habitat .

What are the animals that live in rivers?

When referring to the fauna of rivers, it must be borne in mind that we do not always speak of the same species. Of course, there are some types of animals that are able to exploit the characteristics of currents or slopes, to lay eggs or to feed. But there is such a variety that, as we will see, when trying to define a typical profile of river dwellers, surprises are really around the corner.

1. Eel

This bony fish is characterized by having an elongated body similar to that of a snake. The eel is one of the oldest non-extinct species of which there is evidence: fossils belonging even to the Cretaceous period (between 145 and 4 million years ago) have been found .

Eels in the shallow waters of a river

It has no scales and, once born, it lets itself be carried by the current until it reaches the course of the major rivers. He can live more than 15 years and uses his last months of life to return to his birthplace and die there.

2. Freshwater shrimp

This crustacean abounds in streams and rivers, where it takes refuge among the stones of the bottom to avoid being captured by possible predators.

Freshwater shrimp

As with other arthropods , the shrimp sheds its exoskeleton, but has a longer external morphology than the rest of its family.

3. Capybara

It is the largest rodent in the world and lives in herds within tropical and temperate regions of South America. It spends its entire life around rivers, mangroves, lakes and swamps, as it needs solid ground to sleep and thick vegetation to protect itself from danger.

Mother of capybara with two little ones

The capybara feeds on grass and aquatic plants, including sugar cane and corn. In terms of reproduction, these animals mate in shallow water at any time of the year. Females do not build nests or burrows, but give birth at different sites within their territory.

4. Crocodile

It is the largest extant reptile and also one of the oldest species that has not become extinct since its appearance in the Cretaceous period. Its body is sturdy, it has a large tail and small eyes. It lives in rivers such as the Nile, the Yangtze or the Ganges.

Crocodile in the mud of a rainforest

Crocodiles are faster and more adept in water than on land, but they go ashore to warm themselves in the sun – since they are cold-blooded animals – and in some cases to feed. Their preys are all types of animals, even larger than their size.

5. Salmon

This fish is born in high mountain rivers, where the habitat is distinguished by the presence of strong currents and bottoms rich in stones. Its peculiarity is that it can live in both fresh and salt waters. This allows him to complete his incredible migratory journey.

Salmon jump upstream

6. Hippo

There are still two species of this huge and powerful African herbivorous mammal, the common hippopotamus and the pygmy. Huge in size, corpulent, it has a large head with very pronounced nostrils.

Hippo in the water

They inhabit the rivers of sub-Saharan and western Africa, always emerge from the water at sunset to feed, and can spend several hours eating. Despite appearances, it is regarded as the most dangerous animal on the African continent.

7. Wading birds

Although they are not animals that live permanently in rivers, they spend a lot of time in the vicinity of their waters, to get food. Among these wading birds we can highlight cranes, flamingos, storks and herons. They inhabit almost all continents, with the exception of Oceania and Antarctica.

Heron near a river

8. River turtle

It should be noted that it is present only in the basins of South America, in particular in Colombia and, in addition, that it has a gray or brown carapace.

Turtle eats salad

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