Dogs: Here Are The Most Suitable Breeds For Children

Dogs: here are the most suitable breeds for children

Adopting a dog has many benefits for children’s physical, emotional, cognitive and social development. All dogs, regardless of their breed, color or age, are capable of positively affecting their lives.

In particular, it is interesting to know which breeds are best suited to children before choosing a pet. A protection for you and for the animal itself, in order to create a happy and, above all, safe family environment.

Living with a dog: benefits for children

Due to its simple and affectionate way of being, a dog can transmit to your children many essential values ​​for their adult life, such as fidelity and friendship. Additionally, her unconditional love helps strengthen self-esteem and stimulate the emotional and social development of younger children.

A pet often encourages responsibility in a child’s daily life, especially a teenager. Living with a dog means not only playing with them, but also  taking care of their needs. In a family, the presence of a four-legged friend can help parents in the education and learning processes.

How to choose a dog suitable for your children?

It is important to understand that there are no good or bad dogs by nature. The behavior of a man’s best friend is determined 50% by his race or ancestry, and 50% by his upbringing and life experiences.

For this reason, the first step to take after adoption is to contact a trainer to build a balanced and serene personality with him that will eliminate wrong and aggressive attitudes and behaviors in the dog.

If you have the time and are capable of it, the ideal is to teach the new family member the basic commands and get them used to socializing during the first 20 weeks of life. Just when the animal is still a puppy it establishes and consolidates the notions of coexistence and social communication.

Choosing a perfect dog to be with your children means preferring those animals that stand out for being loving but also patient and tolerant. Also pay attention to the type of environment that the newcomer will find. Ask yourself if you have enough space at home to accommodate a dog and if you will be able to devote time and resources to it.

dog and child

Often the mistake is made of evaluating a pet only on the basis of its size or, even worse, considering  only its external appearance. The size of the dog does not affect the relationship with children. The important thing is not to mistake your new friend for a  living stuffed animal and  first inquire about the characteristics and personalities of certain breeds.

What are the best dogs for children?


The Beagle is a friendly, active, medium-sized dog. He loves to  play in the company of children  for hours. However, it needs a lot of physical activity, games, exercises and daily walks. Being a hound, he needs to satisfy his instinct to search by following tracks and smells. Otherwise, it can engage in destructive behavior and turn the whole house upside down.

Labrador Retriever

This breed is intelligent, affectionate, loyal and patient – the classic dog to hug. It has a calm and energetic temperament and is the quintessential family dog. This positive reputation stems from his balanced temper. In addition, he learns commands easily and is very obedient.

Golden retriever

They are very similar to the cousins ​​just mentioned and, like them, they are intelligent, loyal and serene. The only difference is to be found in the attention that you will have to grant him. Due to their long hair, they will need to be brushed and washed more frequently. An exceptional dog that your children will love from day one.


It is considered to be the second smartest dog breed in the world. They learn many tricks, obey easily and love to play with children. In addition, they are small in size, so they easily fit into smaller rooms. However, it should be emphasized that they need a good education to prevent their behavior from becoming hysterical. A small flaw for this extraordinary canine specimen.


Its strength, intelligence and physical endurance make this animal an excellent watchdog. He has a sweet character, loves to play and do physical activity surrounded by people and is protective of the little ones of the house. It is medium in size and is suitable for those who own a large house or have a garden. Full of vitality, Boxers need to discharge excess energy with intense motor activity.

Border Collie

This breed is the most intelligent in the world and has a very balanced and obedient character. It adapts to the countryside and the city, even if it requires space, a lot of exercise and a lot of care due to the very long hair. It is always a good option for those who prefer a larger, more protective dog. But be careful: it is not a dog suitable for lazy or elderly people. Indeed, we can certainly say that the Border Collie is a perfect dog for sportsmen.

Yorkshire Terrier

This small specimen from the Terrier family is one of the most popular breeds on the planet. They are faithful, energetic, companions, guardians and… hypoallergenic ! Yorkshire is perfect for looking after and accompanying children. They love to play together, jump and run all day, but they need early education because, in adulthood, they tend to bark a lot.

Siberian huscky with a girl

Mixed-breed dogs: perfect for boys

We wanted to show you some of the most suitable breeds for children. But that doesn’t mean you should  only adopt purebred dogs or, even worse, buy them. In the world there are already many homeless animals that are just waiting for your gesture to fill your life with color and joy.

This is the case of the so-called  mestizos : well, they are ideal dogs for your children. Even if  they have no pedigree, they are affectionate, patient and will happily learn any trick or game that children want to teach them. In addition, they have an extra gear in terms of bonding with the master:  gratitude. That is a feeling of constant gratitude for those who opened their heart to him, offering him a second chance.

Take a walk in the city kennel or in some shelter for abandoned animals, together with your children. Together you will surely find the best play (and life) companion possible!

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