Plants That Help Eliminate Fleas

Plants that help eliminate fleas

Fleas are a plague that can be very painful for your dog. They are not easy to eliminate, sometimes even the strongest commercial products can annihilate them, and we end up worrying about the damage these chemicals could cause to our four-legged friends in the long run. 

If you live in a place where your dog can catch fleas easily and you are not fond of chemicals, we have good news for you: there are natural products that will help you get rid of these annoying parasites. Would you like to meet them? Then read on.

Plants and herbs to eliminate fleas


There are different types of plants, tree leaves and herbs that can help us in this arduous task.


The qualities of this tree against all types of insects are renowned and we are happy to inform you that even fleas cannot stand the smell. Eucalyptus is a perfect ally because its smell is very pleasant for us, but insects hate it. If you want to get rid of your dog’s fleas, eucalyptus is the best choice.

You can buy it in herbalist’s shops or supermarkets, fresh or dried. Prepare an infusion with its leaves, let it cool and spray it on your pet with a vaporizer .


There is no cedar furniture that has been attacked by termites or some other type of insect. In fact, cedar is an excellent anti-flea.

Since we obviously can’t make an infusion, our advice is to put small pieces of cedar wood in different places in the house, especially where your dog sleeps and eats. A good idea would be to put bits of it under his kennel. When your dog goes to sleep, the fleas will flee.


Its ability to repel mosquitoes has long been known. It is a lemon-like fruit that does not grow in all countries. However, it is possible to get its oil or a particular spray that contains it. 

Perhaps its strong smell could disturb your dog, so opt to spray it in the corners of your home and near the kennel and the place where your friend eats. It will give your home a fresh smell and act as a surefire flea.

Mentha pulegium

This is also an excellent flea repellent. It is a plant very similar to lavender and you can easily find it in herbal medicine. Be careful, because it could be toxic to dogs, so do not spray it directly on their fur, but in different places in the house. If you have the option of opting for another plant, keep mentha pulegium as a second option.


We already know that only good things come from India and Nīm is no exception. It is a plant that comes from there and quickly turned into an excellent remedy for killing fleas. It is not easy to find, but you can grow the seeds in your garden if you live in a cold city, or you can buy Nīm oil at a herbalist’s shop.

To get rid of fleas, you’ll need to apply it to your pet’s skin.



You can plant it directly in your home, because it is very decorative and will help eliminate your dog’s fleas. What more could you ask for?

Rue and mugwort

These are plants known for their good qualities in eliminating fleas. The seeds are easy to find and you can plant them indoors.

If plants are not your thing, you can choose the essential oils extracted from the plants mentioned and put some drops in your dog’s collar, or place a cloth moistened with these oils near his kennel.

There are always natural options that can help us keep our animals healthy. As far as possible it is recommended to avoid chemicals on the skin and coat of dogs.

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