Rescued Undernourished Dog While The Owner Was On Vacation

Rescued undernourished dog while the owner was on vacation

Abusing a dog is one of the most cowardly crimes that can be committed. Our faithful four-legged friends are innocent and defenseless beings, who always offer us love and tenderness. Every owner must always set a good example and surpass himself every day, to offer the animal as much care as possible, since pets are unable to provide for themselves.

Abuse can take many forms, including indifference and lack of attention. When you adopt a dog, you take responsibility for it. The owner is responsible for any accident that may occur due to his negligence, both for not having been present, as well as for not having taken any kind of precaution.

In Seville, for example, a dog in a very serious state of malnutrition was saved, caused by the irresponsibility of the owner, who had left for the holidays, without having taken the necessary measures to protect the health of her dog.

The fact went around the world. Public opinion was indignant given the extreme gravity of the dog’s condition and the equally extreme neglect of the person who should have taken care of it.

An abandoned and undernourished dog


The facts date back to a few days ago, when the residents of the Cerro Amate district, according to the minutes of the city council, called the municipal police of Seville, reporting on the phone the state of neglect and malnutrition in which a dog was found, left only in an attic in the area.

Residents reported to police that the dog was on the verge of death. The animal had been abandoned by the owner who had gone on vacation for a week already, without even bothering to leave him water or something to eat. In fact, the dog presented such a state of malnutrition that all the bones of that skeletal body of his could have been counted.

When the policemen and veterinary officers of the municipality arrived on the spot, they had to enlist the help of a neighbor who allowed them to access, through his apartment, the small room in the attic that housed the unfortunate dog.

The scene that presented itself to their eyes was atrocious. They found themselves faced with an extremely thin little dog, in an absolutely unhealthy environment, full of garbage and filth.

Miracle and rehabilitation

The witnesses of the fact assure that they cannot believe that the animal could have survived, since dogs are not used to resist very long in such extreme situations.

In fact, a dog that discovers itself alone, without noticing the presence of the owner, could fall into a deep depressive state such as to inhibit its natural defenses, which certainly could not counteract the effects of malnutrition, not to mention the risk of infection resulting from lack of hygiene.

After being rescued by the police, the hapless little dog was transferred to the municipal animal health center. Here he began his rehabilitation by the veterinarians of the municipality, who managed to stabilize the conditions of the dog, and put him out of danger. The same reported that the animal did not even have the mandatory identification microchip.

For her part, the mistress, once she has returned to the Andalusian capital, will have to appear before the magistrate to give an account of her actions.

A scandalous fact!


Fortunately, social rejection in the face of these behaviors has increased significantly in recent years, in all countries of the world, including Spain, the scene of this unfortunate event. It is significant that a few months ago, in Palma de Mallorca, a man was sentenced and put in prison on charges of animal abuse.

Although these are different cases, the abuse committed against the dog of our history, whether premeditated or not, represents a crime that can hardly be ignored by the Spanish authorities.

The bottom line is that if you don’t like animals or if you don’t intend to take responsibility for your pet’s needs responsibly, you’d better find another owner for him. Your dog must at least be able to find a family that loves him and is willing to give him all the affection and attention he needs. On the contrary, you will only be inflicting severe and undeserved suffering on him.

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