A Carnival Sunday Against Animal Abuse

A Carnival Sunday against animal abuse

Animal maltreatment does not grant respite, manifesting itself in many forms. For this reason, among the celebrations of Carnival Sunday,  in Toledo and in 15 other Spanish cities, marches against the use of Galgos , Spanish greyhounds and other hunting dogs were organized. As indicated by the organizing bodies, February is one of the most critical months for dogs used in kinetic activities.

The details of Carnival Sunday against animal abuse


Along the path between the Paseo Merchán and the Plaza de Zocodover, more than one hundred people took part in the demonstration, responding to the appeal launched by Plataforma NAC, an organization whose motto reads “No to hunting with Galgos and other races” .

Hence, to the usual slogans such as “Enough with animal abuse now!” and “Let’s abolish bullfighting!”, this Carnival Sunday were joined by “They are purebred dogs, not hunting dogs!” and “For animal abuse, penal code!”.

“We are calling for an end to hunting with animals, because the dogs are torn apart, used as objects and then unloaded,” reports journalist Esther Durán, a member of the PACMA (Spanish Animal Party).

The activist also pointed out that, in terms of animal abuse, is the region of Castilla-La Mancha the “worst” of all the Autonomous Communities.

The harsh reality of hunting dogs

Esther Durán also explained that although February is one of the times when they are in greatest danger, which is the end of the hunting season, they also suffer greatly in October and November, at the beginning of the season.

The NAC Plataforma reports that during the first two months of each year, 50,000 dogs can be abandoned after being exploited in hunting. Others face an even worse fate:

  • They are hanged, and so hung they can be found in the outskirts of the villages.
  • They are cremated.
  • They are thrown by vehicles traveling at great speed.

Hunting season, period of suffering for the Galgos

The appeal also explains that during the hunting season the dogs are kept crammed in crowded environments, malnourished and without any veterinary attention.

Furthermore, during the different hunting methods, dogs are used to suffer serious injuries, but only those with good hunting skills are treated. Otherwise they are killed or left to die.

It is also common for many dogs to get lost. Even in this case, they are searched only if “the game is worth the candle”, according to the previous criterion. The fate of the other animals is almost certainly death: from hunger, from being shot by some land keeper or because they are hit by a vehicle.

What is required with the Toledo demonstration

The marchers, among other things, complained:

  • Increased control over hunters through a mandatory Galgos registry .
  • The replacement of the chips with other identification methods with irreversibility, that is, they cannot be removed at will.
  • The obligation of a civil liability insurance for each animal.
  • The imposition of criminal sanctions.

Hunting, an activity driven by economic interests

The NAC Plataforma also indicates that hunting in Spain involves the death of around fifty million animals every year. Furthermore, behind the shield of the theme of tradition, the cinegetic activity is actually driven by economic interest.

According to activists, hunting with animals must be eradicated, as it violates several regulations, for example:

  • La Ley del Deporte (Law on Sports Activities);
  • The Green Card ;
  • Il Libro Blanco del Deporte (White Paper on Sports Activities);
  • Agenda 21 of the Olympic Movement.

Don’t just limit yourself to indignation!

If you are outraged by the treatment received by the Galgos employed in hunting activities, as well as any other type of animal abuse, we invite you not to limit yourself only to indignation.

There are many organizations that fight for the defense of animal rights and there are many forms in which you could collaborate to make a contribution to the improvement of the life of these beings.

Get information online and participate by visiting the social pages of the organizations in your area.

Source: No A la CAZA with Galgos y otras Razas. NAC platform

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