Adopt A Cat When There Is Already A Dog In The House

Adopting a cat when there is already a dog in the house

Having a dog at home is one of the best experiences in life.  From the moment our little furry friend walks in the door, we can’t live without him anymore. Suddenly a special tenderness towards all animals awakens in us and even if we don’t want to open a zoo at home (well, some do), perhaps we will decide to adopt a cat or another animal as well. But today we focus on felines. 

However, who doesn’t know the saying “being like a dog and a cat”? Is it true that a cat cannot live with a dog? True or not, bringing a feline indoors when there is already a dog can cause some problems. For this reason, we give you some good tips to avoid any inconvenience.

Adopting a cat: don’t ignore the advice of professionals


In the center where you will adopt your cat, they will be able to advise you on what to do so that the coexistence between the dog and your new friend is exceptional. It is proven that cats and dogs can be excellent companions, coming to have a very special connection, equal to or more than animals of the same species. Animals know no prejudices.

However, every cat has a character and personality and not everyone is ready or willing to live with a dog. In the center they will be able to tell you which feline is best suited to this coexistence. They know each cat personally and know very well that those who are used to living with other animals will find it easier to adapt.

This can involve a sacrifice on your part, as it is possible that the cat you like or want to choose is not suitable for living with a dog.

Adopt a cat: let’s introduce them in an appropriate way

Making a formal introduction between your dog and the new feline friend is necessary for a smooth coexistence.

The adopted animal will need to feel protected: it is normal that, arriving in the new home, with different animals and people, it may be a little afraid. The best way to introduce them is by leaving the cat in its basket or carrier so that the dog can smell it and that they can get to know each other in a safe place for the feline.

It is important to supervise both animals at least the first week of cohabitation, until they have fully adapted.

Adopting a cat with a dog at home: creating a suitable environment

Coming to a new place and finding unfamiliar people, we don’t feel comfortable. The same happens to the cat that arrives in your house for the first time, without forgetting that, to this, the presence of the dog is added.

The best way for your new friend to adapt easily is to create a supportive environment. Cats get stressed easily if their routines are altered, so create a quiet environment without a lot of noise and make sure there aren’t too many people around them.

Adopting a cat with a dog at home: everyone has their own space


It is true that putting the bowls of both in the same place, as well as the beds, makes it easier for you to clean the spaces. However, it is important that the cat feels like a new member of the family as soon as possible. It must have its own corner like everyone else and not feel added to your dog’s life and space.

On the other hand, if your dog threatens the cat’s space (remember they are territorial animals), problems could arise. For this reason, choose an area for your dog and another where to rest the new pet.

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