Alternative Food To Dog Food

Alternative food to dog food

Nowadays,  many dogs feed almost exclusively on food. However, doubts sometimes arise about this food: is it really healthy? Isn’t it boring to always eat the same type of food? This is if we don’t count the dogs who don’t like it. That’s why today we are going to tell you about alternative foods to dog food.

Feeding dogs

It is true that dogs are descended from wolves, however one of the major evolutionary differences lies in their digestive system:  while wolves are carnivores, dogs have become omnivores.

This means that even if the dog’s diet is based on meat, they need plant elements:  vegetables, fruits, cereals, etc. All these substances are present in feed.

However, not all of them are present in a balanced way. Cheaper feeds tend to add too much fruit and vegetables, as including meat is very expensive for production. Similarly, the more expensive ones annex more meat than the animal needs.

BARF diet

The BARF diet is based on raw food; only vegetables and cereals are used, such as pasta. Dogs eat raw meat, bones and entrails as they would if they had to hunt for food.

BARF diet foods for dogs

This type of feeding has advantages:  the right quantities are chosen based on the dog, he is allowed to gnaw and tear the food as he would his prey  and will taste various flavors throughout the day.

However, there are two major disadvantages to this diet: the first is that it is difficult to balance it. The supervision of a veterinarian is necessary to make sure that the dog is not lacking certain nutrients,  and that he is ingesting the right amount.

BARF frozen

The second downside to the BARF diet is that it has to be planned, and not all people can do it. To help these masters, companies were born that prepare the mixture of foods and freeze them.

It seems a different type of diet but in essence it is the same as the BARF diet, except that,  instead of mixing the ingredients at home, they sell ready-made and frozen bags or tubes of food.

You just have to divide the portions according to the size  and needs of the dog, let them defrost and serve them.

Dehydrated food

Dehydrated foods are first mixed, and then dried. To prepare them, just follow the instructions written on the package:  some recommend cooking them in hot water, others in cold water, and preparation times vary.

Beagle eating from the red bowl

They are alternative foods to feed and very different: they are fresh products, but prepared so that they do not go bad. They are natural, not very elaborate, soft and tasty.

These foods are suitable for older dogs or dogs with dental problems, as they are easy to chew. However, residues can remain between the teeth, and thus cause bad breath. It is necessary to clean your pet’s teeth when he finishes eating, or to give him sticks made especially for this.

Alternative foods to feed: homemade foods

Before the feed, the dogs ate leftover food prepared at home, or it was cooked just for them.

This continues to be a viable alternative to feed. But remember that there are some harmful ingredients for them, such as salt, oil, sugar, fried foods, etc.

It is also important to follow your vet’s directions to make sure you are giving them the food they need,  no less, no more.

Dogs are omnivorous animals, so you can feed them a diet based on natural elements  and leave aside the food, which is repetitive and sometimes even unhealthy.

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