Animal Abuse: Time To Say “Enough!”

Animal abuse: it's time to say "Enough!"

It is encouraging to see more and more people in different countries fighting against the mistreatment of animals. NGOs , Non -Profit Associations and initiatives of ordinary citizens, show that there is a humanity that has decided to say enough to violence and abuse which, unfortunately, are still on the agenda. There is a very long way to go, but there are sprouts for a new civil conscience that accepts and considers animals as special beings like man, who shares the planet Earth with all of them .

Some progress in defense of animal rights

If we try to do a quick mental review, we will realize that until recently it was normal to celebrate without scruples the skills that a monkey, an elephant, a bear or a cat were forced to display in a circus, in the presence of the threatening presence of the tamer on duty.

It was also a pride and a symbol of social status to wear a garment made from the skins of foxes, minks and even seals.

elefante del circo che piange

Even visits to the zoo, to see the poor animals locked up behind bars and torn from their natural habitat, was a typical school excursion. Or even a welcome family event to hang out with over the weekend.

Undoubtedly, there have been important changes in the consciences of a large part of the population, and these habits are now seen from a new point of view.

Avoiding animal cruelty, a clear goal

But even if more and more people have decided to say “Enough!” to animal abuse, the news continues to remind us that reality is quite different. Every day we read discouraging news about violence and abuse of defenseless animals abandoned to their fate.

Without going too far, recently a king today emeritus enjoyed going around the world hunting elephants. A wrong behavior that speaks for itself, even more grotesque if you think that that same person also presided over an organism for environmental conservation …

Remaining on the subject of hunting, we must not forget the drama experienced by many dogs, especially greyhounds, which are purchased and used during the competitive seasons, only to be abandoned or discarded, with the consequent increase in stray dogs.

In countries very close to Italy, both geographically and culturally, such as Spain, pseudo-traditional events still exist in which the main spectacle is the death of the animal. We are talking about the famous bullfights, bloody shows that celebrate the violence of man who fights, obviously with unequal weapons, against a single animal. Other holidays involve different types of abuse, such as tying torches to the bull’s horns or forcing the specimens to run in fear while being hit in multiple ways.

Even in the Iberian country, however, there are many regions that have decided to ban bullfights. It is quite another thing, of course, to change the thinking of a large part of the population, however favorable to this kind of spectacle.

Reasons to say “Enough!” to the abuse of animals

Despite the progress, there is still a lot to do. The list of ill-treatment is so large that it is difficult to maintain an optimistic position on the issue. It is certain that several more years will have to pass before the entire world population takes the side of animals.

Let’s see what are the most frequent types of abuse today:

  • Abandonment of pets, including exotic ones.
  • Fighting dogs and roosters.
  • Horses and other mammals used for racing.
  • Use of animals as guinea pigs in experiments and laboratory tests (medicines and cosmetics).
  • Smuggling of exotic species.
  • Overcrowding of specimens for different purposes (sale in hatcheries, fur trade, food industry, etc.).
  • Chaining and lack of adequate shelter or shade.
  • Insufficient or inadequate food and water.
  • Violence and cruelty as a pastime, as often shown on social networks .

Humanization of Pets: Another Form of Abuse

But when it comes to saying “Enough!” to animal abuse, we must not forget the humanization that many pets suffer from.

The problem is that some people treat their pets as if they were real children. Put simply, they don’t respect their nature. Let’s see some typically wrong behavior, in this sense:

cat with pink sweater

  • Dress up your dog or cat, cover them with hats, accessories and even jewelry.
  • They are raised in luxury and pampered in an exaggerated way.
  • They are given human food and are often seated at the table with the other diners.
  • They undergo long grooming sessions with special beauty products and specialized hairdressers.
  • They celebrate birthdays with balloons, candles and a special menu for the occasion. Some owners even organize weddings in which small animals are disguised as spouses.

As it is logical to imagine, the direct consequences of this excessive humanization appear in the form of behavioral and health problems. This is why you need to be very careful about how to treat your four-legged friends. Animal abuse can manifest itself in very different ways. And it is important to fight against each of them, always.

Source of the main image: José María Pérez Nuñez

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