Be Careful When Buying A Dog On The Internet

Be careful when buying a dog on the internet

The Internet is currently a worldwide phenomenon, which has come to embrace almost every area of ​​life, since it is possible to carry out different types of activities, from reading the most important news of one’s country to watching videos and films.

Like many other things, the extraordinary effects of the web have brought opportunities that were previously considered impossible, such as the exchange of products or the purchase of different types of services, a market that on many occasions turns out to be more comfortable than the normal one.

This is what has happened in the dog industry, in which the buying and selling of dogs through the Internet has become commonplace, a market in which sellers are sometimes unreliable and in which the buyer and dog are not always benefited.

In this regard, we indicate a series of precautions to follow if you want to buy a four-legged friend through this means.

Make sure the seller is licensed


Since this sales channel lends itself to remote scam, many sellers do not have the license required by law to trade animals, so it is essential to make sure they comply with this requirement, so that you can deal with greater confidence.

Likewise, this will serve to ensure that there has not been any kind of abuse or mistreatment of the animal, because sellers must adhere to a set of rules and care to maintain the license.

In some parts of the world, those who do not comply with this legal requirement have made it a modus operandi to buy dogs in poor health from Eastern Europe and then sell them at a high price.

Ask for the details of the dog you wish to buy on the Internet

One of the most popular tricks among sellers to deceive the buyer is to use fake photos and images of the product, that is, in better condition or simply by showing something they do not have.

This is a frequent situation among those who sell dogs online:  if you are therefore interested in buying one, you must request all the data and information on the dog you want, from the photographs of the parents to the video in which you can see the puppy in the state. current.

To avoid a scam and make sure your dog is in good health, here are some data you will need to request:

  • Initial registration certificate
  • Genealogical certificate
  • In case you want to buy a pedigreed dog, you must request a certificate of purity of the breed
  • Booklet of vaccinations and pesticides
  • Microchip
  • Health card

Remember that, when dealing with a living being, you will have to verify that the seller is telling the truth and that the dog is treated with dignity, otherwise you will be as irresponsible as he is.

Establish the right purchasing conditions

Even if on numerous occasions it is the seller who sets the terms, you must set up a bargaining method from which both benefit, both for the sale of the dog and for the purchase and fulfillment of all the characteristics that had been indicated regarding the puppy. .

To ensure a successful purchase, it is important that you do the following:

  • Avoid paying in advance, as it is something that lends itself well to scams;
  • Pay one part first and the other when you have received your dog ;
  • Before paying the first part, ask for all the data and information of the animal ;
  • Once you come to an agreement, don’t close the deal if you realize something hasn’t been honored.

With these points on the table you will have less chance of being deceived and you can make a purchase in conditions of greater safety.



Dogs are special beings who deserve to be treated as such : they give us love and respect without asking for anything in return; it is therefore essential to treat them in the same way.

When you buy one of these fantastic animals on the Internet, you are acquiring a life and an immense responsibility  and, consequently, you will have to avoid carrying out these kinds of actions if you cannot ensure them the necessary care.

If you notice that the seller is lying about something, or if you find that he is keeping the dogs in a deplorable condition, you must report him immediately.

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