Coccidiosis In Chickens: What Causes It And How To Prevent It

One of the challenges that chicken owners face is the threat of a common and potentially devastating disease called coccidiosis. However, once you understand what causes it and how it spreads, you can limit the consequences.
Coccidiosis in chickens: what causes it and how to prevent it

Coccidiosis in chickens is caused by parasitic bacteria called coccidia. This disease is transmitted through the droppings of infected animals. In other words, wherever there is a microscopic trace of excrement, in a trough, feeding trough or in the soil, coccidia are almost certainly present.

Symptoms of coccidiosis include weight loss, paleness, ruffled feathers, depression, poor appetite, and watery or bloody diarrhea. All chickens are at risk, but growing birds and young adults three to five weeks of age are the most susceptible.

Good health

The good news is that chickens and hens are generally in good health and have strong immune systems. These birds are naturally able to protect themselves from coccidiosis, provided they are not stressed or exposed to unsanitary conditions.

A mild case can even go unnoticed. Once the animal survives an outbreak of this disease, it will be immune to that particular microorganism, although there are 9 different species of coccidia bacteria.

The other good news is that each species of coccidia is specific to a certain type of animal. This means that the type of coccidia that could infect turkeys is not the same type that could infect chickens (geese or quail, etc.). So coccidiosis in chickens cannot be transmitted to a goose, but it can be spread from chicken to chicken.

Little girl with the chickens.

When coccidiosis in chickens is allowed to proliferate without control, it invades the lining of the gut causing tissue damage and interfering with nutrient absorption. This can be devastating for the animal.

How to prevent coccidiosis in chickens

One of the best ways to prevent a coccidiosis outbreak in the coop is to maintain good sanitation and proper waste management. Coccidia thrive in hot, humid conditions. So the wet dirt around the troughs is a haven for these and many other pests.

Believe it or not, when conditions are right, these bacteria can survive for up to four years in the environment where these animals reside. Additionally, these resistant microorganisms can be transmitted through boots, equipment, insects and rodents. Hence, you will need a multi-layered approach to minimize the threat of a possible outbreak.


  • Keep the coop as dry as possible. Remember, coccidia love humidity.
  • Never place adult chickens directly in the house. Healthy looking birds can be carriers of a number of deadly diseases. Quarantine them first.
  • Raise the chicks in isolation. Mature birds can transmit diseases and parasites to the most vulnerable young birds.
  • Thoroughly clean and disinfect all equipment the chicks will come into contact with. Once the soil is dry we spread a layer of wood chips or other absorbent and dry material for bedding available on the market.
  • Provide clean water at all times. If possible, lift the water bowl slightly and clean it very often. Remember that if you are unwilling to drink the water you give the chickens, it is not clean enough.
  • Never let bowls of water dry out.  Because this will force the chickens to look for water in the puddles, which are almost certainly contaminated.
  • Let the sunlight do its work. Coccidia hate sunlight, which acts as a natural disinfectant. So, let the natural light in as much as possible in your chicken coop.
  • Ask the vet for vaccinations. There is a commercial vaccine for coccidiosis in chickens, although it is not effective in all animals.

Raising chickens and coccidiosis risk in chickens.

Remember: exposure to coccidia is not a threat, because frankly it is inevitable. Wild birds are also carriers of coccidia. The serious threat comes from prolonged overexposure to coccidia in a stressful and unhealthy environment that can overwhelm a bird’s immune system.

Good nutrition to prevent coccidiosis in chickens

There is another important weapon that can be used as part of the tiered defense against coccidiosis in chickens. In fact, there are medicated foods on the market that contain a coccidiostat that controls the growth of coccidia in the digestive tract.

These foods provide a complete and balanced diet for the animals for which they were made. What’s more, no other dietary supplements are needed.

Consider that a strong immune system is a bird’s best natural defense against coccidia and other diseases. Therefore, investing in good nutrition right from the start is a smart way to ensure health in your chicken coop.

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