Did You Know That Dogs Hate Hugs?

Did you know that dogs hate hugs?

Hugging our pets seems inevitable to us, as their plush-like appearance (especially as a puppy) makes them irresistible. If it were up to us, we would spend all day saying “Come here in my arms!”.

However, and sadly, dogs hate hugs, or at least that’s what a new study has wanted to demonstrate. Would you like to know more?

A study reveals that dogs hate hugs

This study was done by Psychology Today  in order to show what dogs feel when hugged. How did they do it? In a very simple way: they photographed 250 dogs just as they were being hugged by their owners.

These photos reveal the body language of the animal, which clearly shows its feelings.

The importance of body language in dogs


Dogs do not have the gift of speech, like people, so they look for other ways to communicate with humans or their fellow men. This form of communication in dogs is body language, therefore through the gaze and gestures, they can express how they feel at any time.

Thanks to body language, we can even know if an animal is stressed or anxious. What signals does the dog send us when it is not comfortable?

Ears backwards

When a dog puts his ears back, it indicates discomfort, nervousness and fear. There is something he doesn’t like and this is his way of showing it.

Tongue out

If the backward ears are accompanied by an open mouth with the tongue sticking out, there is no question: your dog is stressed. If you embrace him and adopt this posture, the best thing to do is release him and let him calm down.


If your dog trembles or appears to be shaking while hugging him, it means that he is scared and uncomfortable; he wants you to stop doing what you are doing that he doesn’t understand.

He crouches

If you call your dog and he curls up in a corner of the house and looks at you out of the corner of his eye, leave him alone; it is telling you it needs space. A hug is not a good idea right now.

Try to break free

Whether you have him in your arms or not, if your pet tries to break free, he doesn’t want you to continue. Free him and give him his space.

The data of the study

Once we analyze the meaning of body language, let’s see how this study revealed that dogs hate hugs. The photos clearly show all the gestures made by the animals while being hugged by their owners.

Scholars have come to the conclusion that dogs hate hugs, because 81.6% of the dogs photographed showed one of the aforementioned signs, revealing the anxiety,  fear and nervousness produced by hugs.

Autor: Ana Fuentes

Only 7.6% seemed comfortable with hugs (maybe it is the race, how long they have lived with the owner or the special bond formed between them).

About 10% remained neutral during the hugs.

The percentages allow us, therefore, to state that dogs hate hugs. What reasons does the author of this research give us to justify that dogs don’t like being hugged?

Stanley Coren explains that dogs are biologically prone to running animals. This means that their body, their brain, their instincts and their impulses are prepared to run and to stay in motion. A hug immobilizes them, making them feel trapped and unable to do what they really want: to move and run.

If you want a dog, then, don’t hug him! Irony of life … 

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