Differences Between Gerbils And Guinea Pigs

Differences between gerbils and guinea pigs

Both are very popular pets and have won the hearts of many families, generation after generation. However, there are interesting differences between gerbils and guinea pigs. If you love these rodents and are interested in curiosities about the animal world, do not miss this in-depth article.

Similarities between gerbils and guinea pigs

Both, gerbils and guinea pigs, are two species of rodents. Although there are big differences between them, they belong to the same family and have many things in common.

For example, both are herbivorous animals . That is, they only eat vegetables, fruits and grains. Their favorite food is hay, which can be supplemented with a good ration of fresh, raw vegetables, preferably green leafy vegetables (such as spinach or Swiss chard). Both are forbidden to eat foods of animal origin, such as milk or eggs.

a gerbil sniffs out of the cage

To make them live happily in your homes, it is recommended that they have a cage, with a few hours of freedom in which you can let them run around in the hallway or living room. Their habitat , whether caged or in other accommodation, must be well ventilated and must not have bars on the ground, as this could cause enormous damage to their paws.

Of course, since they are rodents, they both grow their teeth relentlessly. Therefore, they need to chew a lot during the day to be able to consume them. In their cages there must always be objects made to be gnawed, such as wooden houses, hay or cereal bars.

Dimensions and morphology

The big differences between gerbils and guinea pigs relate to the morphology of their body. They have such different shapes and characteristics  that their way of moving, eating and living is obviously affected.

For starters, guinea pigs are larger than gerbils. Depending on the breed of common guinea pigs, they can weigh a pound or two. Conversely, gerbils are much smaller, as the largest do not even reach 120 grams.

The two animals have stronger hind legs than the front ones, but the difference in the case of gerbils is that they are much larger. The latter, in fact, can easily get up on their hind legs to browse. If they need it, they can get out of the cage by jumping and pushing the entrance door, with their paws (as in the photo above).

two guinea pigs in photographic pose

Guinea pigs, on the other hand, cannot jump. If they have to escape, they run on their four legs, as fast as possible. They only jump for joy in a movement known as popcorning , but it is more of a nervous spasm, in which all the muscles are activated.

Another interesting difference is that of the tail : guinea pigs are completely devoid of it. Conversely, gerbils have a tail that can measure the same length as the body. Despite this, they can accidentally lose it forever.

Finally, from an aesthetic point of view, guinea pigs are available in several shades and with different types of furs, short, medium and long. On the contrary, although gerbils can have different colors, they always have only short hair.


Within the differences between gerbils and guinea pigs, we certainly find some  nuances of behavior. The former, in nature, are used to digging burrows and tunnels, a practice that they constantly repeat even in captivity.

Common guinea pigs are calmer and feel comfortable even in a cage. They don’t feel the need to hide or dig. They are content to create a small nest inside their home, to be able to sleep without being disturbed.

two guinea pigs in the cage

Gerbils, on the other hand, are much more active. They too sleep a lot during the day and alternate waking periods with short naps, but they are much more athletic and energetic than guinea pigs. Not only can they run quickly, propelled by their hind legs. Moreover, as mentioned before, they are also capable of making big jumps.

When angry or frightened, guinea pigs grind their teeth while gerbils drum the ground with their hind legs. Finally, in terms of communication, the former have a great variety of sounds. On the other hand, gerbils emit frequencies that are often imperceptible to the human ear.

Place of origin

Guinea pigs come from the jungles of South America. The term “guinea pig” is only the result of Columbus’ mistake in calling the Americas “Indies”. Just think that the first example brought to Europe was given to the Spanish queen Isabella of Castile. Today, moreover, the long-haired variety is also called “Peruvian”. They live at ground level and have small, not deep burrows where their families and colonies are created.

As for gerbils, keep in mind that they come from the desert areas of Asia. They are used to living in areas of sand and rocks, where there is not as much vegetation and humidity as in jungles.

The differences between gerbils and guinea pigs are remarkable, both physically and in their behavior. However, they both have a docile and tolerant character with the human being. A fact that has led them to win the hearts of entire generations and become truly popular pets.

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