Does Being A Vegetarian Mean Loving Animals?

Does being a vegetarian mean loving animals?

One of the reasons  a person stops eating meat comes from love and respect for other species. Does being a vegetarian mean loving animals? Surely. First, because no other life has been used for nourishment. Then, because there is a refusal to accept animal exploitation, for the benefit of man. Obviously this does not make vegetarians “better” individuals. At the very least, they are certainly less selfish.

The choice of being vegetarian

Today, people have the ability to choose what to eat and what not, following personal beliefs, points of view and tastes. Being a vegetarian is not  just a choice. It is also a lifestyle, not a diet or, even less, a fashion … It is not a question of wanting to be “better” than others by avoiding meat. What you want is to show  respect for nature, the environment and its inhabitants.

In short, a more than valid reason. The problem, if anything, is when this choice is externalized and collides with  more widespread habits. Here then, who is vegetarian, is seen as a different person, peculiar and, at times, even “strange”. Especially if there are those who say they love animals such as dogs or cats, even though they eat beef, for example. But then: what is the difference between a dog and a cow? Are there any “Serie A” and other “Serie B” animals?

Many are horrified to learn that in countries like China it is possible to  eat dog meat. This unpleasant feeling is comparable, however, to that of the Hindus when they look at us Westerners who eat beef, animals considered sacred in India.

Religion, culture and tradition are crucial elements that intervene in this decision. Thinking of Italy and the Old Continent, our children are brought up with the habit of eating meat. As if, in the absence of it, life would be impossible. It is something normal, obvious, practically  unavoidable. The risk is the “alleged” lack of essential nutrients. But what is true in this?

of baby calves fed with bottles on a farm

Eating meat is not good for you

However, vegetarians have been shown not to be malnourished and in many cases even healthier than omnivores (who eat any type of food). This does not mean that by eliminating meat, everyone would magically become healthy and lean. Even among vegetarians there are cases of obesity and cholesterol sufferers. What is certain is that a diet based on fruit and vegetables is more in line with our physiological needs.

Did you know that the human body is not made to eat meat?

If you compare, for example, the human digestive system with that of felines (carnivores par excellence), you will realize that teeth and metabolism  are very different. We do not have jaws and canines suitable for tearing and chewing raw meat. Our intestine is longer, therefore not very suitable for keeping the remains of meat for days. Finally, the saliva we produce only serves to digest fruit, vegetables and seeds.

During its evolutionary process, man has reduced the consumption of plants to feed on animal meat. If we add to this the discovery of fire, which allowed the cooking of food, we can understand what led us to put aside biology to consume things that, from the start, are not suitable for our organism.

Being a vegetarian means loving animals and the planet

It is not about putting vegetarians on a pedestal, as if they were the saviors of the world. But we must say that their type of diet is more sustainable  and less harmful to the environment.

a plate of freshly cooked chickpeas

For example, it takes thousands of liters of water to produce just 1 kg of meat, the land is cleared and more methane gas is “released” into the atmosphere of a factory. Farm animal droppings exceed up to seven times that of humans and, although used as fertilizer, much of it ends up in water resources and deteriorates marine biodiversity.

We can also mention the pollution of the seas caused by the ships that are responsible for massive fishing and also the “secondary” deaths of the species caught with nets. As in the case of dolphins, they are often slaughtered by tuna fishermen.

The waste generated by the consumption of meat – bones, skin, fat – decomposes much faster than those of plant origin – peels, seeds – and also causes viral and bacterial diseases.

Everyone has the possibility to  choose what to eat and must do it  freely, according to their will and personal point of view. Obviously, however, this choice should not be the result of blind habit but the result of an objective reasoning, based on concrete elements. At stake is not just the health of an individual, but the future of an entire planet.

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