Dog And Running: An Exceptional Combination

Physical activity benefits both owners and their pets. Nevertheless, it is good to take certain precautions regarding physical condition, age, race, temperature and hydration, as well as gradually increase the training load. That’s why dog ​​and running are a great combination.
Dog and running: an exceptional combination

More and more people decide to go out for a run in company. Sometimes, the best companion for daily training is that of our pet. In fact, dog and running make a good combination; moreover, the animal can provide an excellent motivation to stimulate its owner.

Dog and running:  all the advantages

Dogs are runners by nature and, consequently, can be the ideal companion for  running . It must be taken into account that they are not obsessed with calories to burn or kilometers to travel: they simply follow us and have fun.

Our four-legged friends not only keep us company, but also help us get used to exercising regularly. There are several studies, in fact, whose conclusions ensure that a sedentary lifestyle is a much less common phenomenon among people who keep a pet at home.

The dog, like many other animals, is an animal of habit which thus offers us an excellent motivation, ideal for the practice of running . Our friend will always be ready to go out to run; often, he will be the one to insist that his master leave the house.

dog and running are a great combination

Tips to take into account regarding dogs and  running

The habit of going out for a run with the dog not only benefits people’s health, but also serves to forge the bond with your pet. The advantages that derive from combining the dog and  running  are numerous, but, to practice it in maximum safety, it is necessary to take into account some issues.

Consult your veterinarian

Before involving your dog in your running projects  , it is very important to consult with your veterinarian. It must be a specialist who examines, evaluates and decides if your physical condition is adequate for carrying out this activity. In this way it will be possible to avoid surprises concerning the health of the animal.

If the dog becomes a regular sportsman engaging in this activity, it is recommended that he undergo an annual check-up. Intense exercise can cause kidney and musculoskeletal injuries.

Wait until the dog has grown sufficiently before  running

For those who own a puppy, the precautions to be followed must be greater. In some cases, it is advisable to wait until the animal has grown and developed sufficiently before engaging in activities such as running . In any case, excess exercise causes damage to the puppy’s joints.

Some breeds are more suitable than others for  running

In general, dogs of any breed can practice running as an amateur  . In the case of small and flat-nosed dogs, which often have respiratory problems, the practice of  running  is not advisable. It is recommended to be accompanied in the execution of physical exercise by larger animals.

running with your dog benefits both the animal and its owner

Avoid running in the sun at high temperatures

This is a very important aspect to take into account, especially during the summer. Dogs do not transpire like humans and their heat resistance is much lower. The perspiration system of dogs consists of panting, but, in the presence of high temperatures, it is a very slow process.

With high temperatures and a strong incidence of sunlight, in fact, the best thing is to avoid the central hours of the day. It is recommended to exercise before 10am and after 8pm or 9pm.


As with any living thing, the hydration of our pets is absolutely essential. It is also true in the case of the combination of the dog and  running , but there are some limitations that we must take into account.

It is recommended not to give the dog water immediately after finishing the activity, because the animal, just like its owner, is very tired, and drinking a lot of water could lead to collapse. It is best to wait for the dog to calm down before hydrating it.

Gradual training

Just like in the case of people, the dog must practice  running  with his owner in a gradual and progressive manner. He will eventually get used to the rhythm of his master, but he needs to do it little by little.

In addition to  running , there are many other sports that we can practice with our pets. Another very interesting activity, for example, is trekking , which allows the dog and its owner to spend wonderful days immersed in nature. To make this experience a success, it is important to follow the same tips we have suggested regarding  running .

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