Dogs And Christmas Dinner: 8 Foods To Avoid

Dogs and Christmas dinner: 8 foods to avoid

During the holidays, one of the most common mistakes is giving your dog almost anything. There are, however, foods that are not suitable for animals and, often, these are also harmful. Dogs and Christmas dinner are in fact a very dangerous combination. In this article we will talk to you and introduce you to 8 foods that should never be given to dogs.

Christmas dinner and dangerous foods for dogs

dog on the table eating chocolate

The starting point is that not even we, during the holidays, are careful what we eat. A superficiality that creates many problems: weight gain, indigestion, mild gastrointestinal problems. This attitude is repeated, by some owners, even towards their pets. In many cases, unfortunately, we end up putting practically everything in the dog’s bowl. Panettone, cotechino, lentils, nougat… Let’s talk about unsuitable and, at times, even dangerous foods for your four-legged friend.

You have to resist the temptation to give him ‘just a little’ of marzipan, grapes, chocolate or whatever, simply because he looks sweet next to the set table. During the winter and at Christmas, the dog must maintain its normal eating habits. The risk is to cause stress and an imbalance in the metabolism. Added to this is the stress of confusion, Christmas firecrackers, house parties …

Dogs and Christmas dinner: the 8 foods to avoid

Here we refer mainly to the Christmas holidays, but beware: the rules apply to any time of the year and any other holiday.

1. Grapes

In recent years, Italy has also begun to consume lucky grapes on Christmas tables. A good, sweet and healthy fruit for men. Too bad, however, that it is toxic to dogs, because it affects the functioning of their kidneys.

2. Chocolate

This vice that came from the Americas accompanies us throughout the year. Yet, during the winter we stock up on it. An abuse that inevitably leads to filling our homes with nougat, cakes, pastries, loose chocolates and various snacks. A dangerous overabundance that your dog can easily tap into. But beware: 100 grams of dark chocolate can even be lethal for a dog weighing less than 15 kg.

3. Seafood

Shells and the exoskeleton of molluscs and other seafood are a real danger to your four-legged friends. Taking these foods produces diarrhea, vomiting or even constipation in the dog . Without considering possible injuries and occlusions caused by the hard parts of the molluscs. If you own a Dalmatian, beware : ingesting seafood can cause gout, which is typical of this breed.

4. Dried fruits

When we talk about dogs and Christmas dinner, we cannot fail to mention these foods, the protagonists of every aperitif. If you own a dog, you will need to keep it away from dried fruit as well. They are very difficult to digest, even more so when mixed with other ingredients or if they make up more complex snacks.

5. Piglet

Pork fat, as well as bones, are dangerous for your dogs. The former produces vomiting and diarrhea (as well as possible digestive complications), the latter can cause lesions in the mouth or esophagus, due to their small size.

6. Turkey

Speech similar to that just made for the pig. Dogs do not digest turkey skin and fat well. The very small bones can be fatal for a large specimen, which tends to swallow them whole.

dog in front of plate with roast chicken

7. Sauces and gravies

On your laid tables, there will never be a lack of special condiments. For meats, fish, salads… Since they can be made with onion, garlic and fried oil, normal sauces are toxic for dogs. Protect your pet and avoid intestinal and heart problems.

8. Stuffed meats

We close this special ranking with the 8 foods to avoid at Christmas, for your dogs, with a dish that is practically a summary of everything. Stuffed cuts of meat or fish contain fats, sauces and fried foods that are really dangerous for any dog’s well-being. So be very careful and never improvise: it is better to make your dog whimper for a few minutes than having to rush him to the vet on Christmas Eve.

In short, as you have seen, many small dangers are hidden behind normal dishes, suitable for us humans. The further advice we give you is to always check your dog, during the holidays. Protect dishes and bring, if necessary keep the animal away from the kitchen or table. Other foods to avoid are certainly timbales, ravioli, cured meats, pates, onions, bones, nuts, garlic and salt.

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