Dogs For Sale: The Only Love That Can Be Bought With Money

Dogs for sale: the only love that can be bought with money

It is said that love is the engine of the world … this could have been true years ago, but today there is a different and more harmful engine: money. Something with which it is said that you can buy everything. And, unfortunately, this statement appears to be true.

Although most of the important things cannot be bought with money, there are others, also important, that man has made sure that he can buy. For example, the love of a dog. Yes,  how many times have you seen signs with the words “dogs for sale”? 

Can a dog’s love be bought? It seems so …

Refuse to buy a dog, adopt it

adopt a dog


You already know that we have always promoted adoption on our blog. We believe that you shouldn’t do business with living things. Despite everything, the ambition of man has made it possible and it will not be easy to stop this mechanism. Although we will continue to hope that it will happen soon.

You don’t need money to buy a dog. There are hundreds of abandoned dogs or those who don’t have a home to stay in; why not adopt one? What are the benefits?

  • You will save some money. For an adopted dog, you will have to spend some money on the vaccine, the microchip and the food. And then they will turn into expenses to buy everything needed for him to eat and sleep. In reality, even a bought dog needs the same things, only you have to add it to the money you spent on buying it.
  • Adopted dogs have good imprinting. Yes, dogs that have been abandoned and found in kennels have already socialized with other people. And with other dogs too, that’s why they have good imprinting. Imprinting is the socialization process that the animal must experience in the first weeks of life. First with his canine family, then with humans and other dogs. Those of race usually do not have it, for the desire to sell them as soon as possible.

Imprinting will avoid aggressive, fearful and shy behaviors. And also many other unpleasant ones, which we would never want our 4-legged friend to have. 

  • Adopted dogs will be more grateful. A dog that has suffered trauma, that has been abused or abandoned, will be enormously grateful to you for giving him a home and all your love and affection without asking for anything in return.
  • His love will be unconditional for life. A dog to whom you have given a place to stay will love you for the rest of his life, without conditions, without obstacles.

Love is not bought with money, it is earned


It is obvious that even a purebred dog will give you affection and love, but do not forget that regardless of whether it is bought or adopted, love is not bought with money, love is earned. Yes, a dog will love you if you love him, he will take care of you if you do too and he will protect you if he feels protected by you.

No matter how much you paid for it, he’ll give you all his love if he feels it’s mutual.

In conclusion, does buying a dog also mean buying his love? In a way, yes, but his canine nature drives him to be affectionate and to love you. Despite this, if with our gestures we show him that the feeling is not mutual, we will not be able to obtain this love, even if we have spent all our money to have it.

For all these reasons,  it does not matter if you decide to buy or adopt a dog, the important thing is that you must do it with responsibility and with the awareness that you will have to give it your love,  your energy, your time, your affection, your your perseverance and your patience. And don’t forget, you will have to be there for him, through thick and thin, as he will be there for you. Remember, you can’t buy everything with money …

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