Environmental Enrichment In Ferrets

Environmental enrichment in ferrets

Environmental enrichment in ferrets is very important for the well-being of this pet. Although this species has lived with humans for over 2000 years, its behavior is always that of a wild animal. Precisely for this reason, it is important that you do everything possible to guarantee your ferret the best possible living conditions.

Structural enrichment

Although you may think that buying a cage or a terrarium is enough, ferrets are very demanding animals when it comes to habitat . In fact, you must keep in mind that this animal must spend at least two hours a day exploring the external environment.

To do this, you can take your ferret for a walk, using a collar and leash just like you would a dog. In pet shops you will surely find the right harness for your pet. Always monitor this small mammal closely to prevent it from escaping and getting into trouble. For example, by slipping into a difficult place.

An alternative is to  set up a special space that your ferret can explore in complete safety. Remember to eliminate and protect any cables and plug any holes in which the pet could end up slipping.

Pipes and hiding places, the best option

It is a great idea to install environmental enrichment devices for ferrets. For example, you could create a real path, using removable plastic tubes. These can be taken apart to retrieve your pet if you want to put it back in the cage.

Ferrets love to dig, and plastic ball pools can be a great option to stimulate this behavior in your four-legged friend. You can also use dirt, sand, leaves or old clothes to change the substrate.

a ferret standing on the grass

Your ferret’s cage, playtime and walks must be compatible with the 12-14 hours of darkness a day this species needs. It is important that environmental enrichment in ferrets always takes into account the basic needs of the animal, such as sleep.

To ensure the right amount of rest, the ideal is to use hammocks and nests, placing them away from sunlight. Giving your ferret some old shirts or pants is also a good idea, because in these fabrics your pet will be able to rest and lean more comfortably.

Sensory enrichment

Ferret behavior has a large exploratory component. This makes it essential to set up spaces that can actively stimulate this particular attitude.

In the case of this small mammals, we advise you to resort to the use of odors. This is the most developed sense in the species and the enrichment of the variety of aromas that the animal will perceive during the day will be a great stimulus for the same.

As you may have already noticed, toys alone cannot attract the animal’s attention. Not even if they are particularly suggestive. With the help of some aromatic oils, spices or even colognes, you can impregnate an object, finally managing to attract the attention of your ferret. The ideal is to try different smells, until you find the fragrance that most appeals to him.

Nutritional enrichment

Although most ferrets eat in their own bowl, this is not the ideal way to feed them. There are a number of toys on the market for other species that are suitable for ferrets, such as the  Kong, which is meant for cats and dogs. It is a system that allows you to  insert food inside an object, awakening the hunting instinct of these animals.

two ferrets lick their faces

But you can always make similar ones in an artisanal way, obviously choosing non-toxic materials, such as cardboard. The use of balls with holes or cardboard rolls can be perfect for creating  more original and fun food dispensers, so that your pet has the experience of getting food on their own.

Another good idea can be to change food. Give him some boiled chicken: it will be a new experience for him and he will have to tear apart the pieces unlike when he eats normal treats.

Social enrichment

Ferrets are very social animals. This is why the ideal is that you have more than one ferret in the house. When you come out, the different specimens will keep each other company. First of all, however, you will have to make them socialize correctly in order to avoid possible problems.

Obviously, contact with human beings must not be missing. Having a pet comes with a number of responsibilities, first and foremost the time you need to devote to your ferret. Try to spend as much time together as you can, because toys and hobbies can never replace physical contact. Social enrichment, both with your species and ours, is always the best way to avoid the stress and unhappiness of your ferrets.

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