Getting The Dog To Get Wet In The Pool, A Good Idea?

Getting your dog wet in the pool can be super fun and refreshing for him, but some precautions need to be taken.
Getting your dog to get wet in the pool, a good idea?

Is it a good idea to get your dog wet in the pool? First of all, only dogs that have already received the first course of vaccines and anti-parasitic treatment should be immersed in water.

Read the article to find out more.

Can you get your dog wet in the pool?

Many dogs like to spend hours in the water having fun with their owners. Still, many wonder if getting the dog wet in the pool is a good idea or not.

The greatest risks are run in its first months of life, when the animal is in the most fragile health. In this article you will find out how to make your dogs enjoy the pool with you and in a healthy way.

Can all dogs swim in the pool?

In principle, all dogs can enjoy a nice swim in the pool in the company of their owners. Obviously as long as they like this activity, both to them and to the owners. It is important that their body and state of health allow them to bathe safely.

As with people, dogs have different personalities, preferences and abilities; a useful indicator to understand their preferences in terms of bathrooms is for example race.

Some breeds, such as Labradors and Golden Retrievers, Newfoundlands or aquatic dogs, demonstrate a natural aptitude for diving. These dogs know how to swim perfectly, as they have been selected by man to adapt to the aquatic environment.

On the contrary, for example in the case of the brachycephalic breeds, swimming can represent a real challenge due to their physical constitution. Their snouts are very elongated and this makes breathing more difficult and consequently decreases their lung capacity. For this reason, these dog breeds have to struggle to be able to swim.

master swims with dog

However, what really makes a difference most of the time is not so much their race, size or age, but their personality, health and education. All dogs can have fun in the pool, as long as they are physically and mentally prepared to try this experience.

Can puppies also take a bath?

A newborn puppy is not ready to move independently, whether on land or in water. Over time, the little one will develop physically, cognitively, emotionally and socially, gradually gaining more and more independence.

Baths should be avoided before a puppy has undergone a course of vaccination and anti-parasite treatment. You can, however, bring it closer to the water and maybe cool it slightly by wetting it a little, so as to get used to it. By doing this, you will give his immune system time to strengthen enough to allow him this new experience.

Furthermore, it is essential to consult a trusted veterinarian before submerging your dog. In the clinic, he will be able to ascertain the actual state of health of your animal and give you suggestions on the adaptation process to the water to be used.

Tips for enjoying the pool with your dog

In addition to consulting a veterinarian, it is equally important to take certain precautions and preventive measures to ensure the safety of your pet. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your summer days in the pool with your four-legged friend.

dog gets wet in the pool

Never leave your dog alone in the pool

Although we have a perfectly equipped swimming pool, we should never leave our dog alone in the water. Dogs can suffer from spasms or sleep attacks, which will prevent them from moving correctly and therefore being able to get out of the pool. For these reasons, the risk of an accident can be very high.

The ideal is therefore that dogs always have a collar while playing in the water. In this way the owner will always be able to rescue him in case of any emergency.

Hydration and protection against the sun’s rays

Excessive exposure to sunlight can cause burns or other very serious diseases such as skin cancer. In pet shops we can find special sunscreens for dogs. It is very important to apply them on the exposed parts of your dog, being careful not to touch the eyes and nose.

It is also essential to reinforce the animal’s hydration by keeping it in the shade during the hottest hours of the day and making it drink a lot. Extreme heat can dehydrate and cause heat stroke.

Rinse and dry your dog well after bathing him

After getting your dog wet in the pool, it is important to rinse him with running water to remove the chlorine. Then dry it very carefully, paying particular attention to the ears. An accumulation of humidity favors the proliferation of fungi, mites and other microorganisms that affect their health.

Give him a preventative drug

If we want to take advantage of the summer season in the pool with our dog, it is important to increase the pesticide treatments that we usually administer. Dogs would always need preventive medicinal treatment throughout their life.

Strengthen hygiene

If we want to share the pool with our dog, we need to reinforce the hygiene of the water. The advice is to clean the pool regularly, every two or three days, to avoid the accumulation of hair or impurities. Also, you need to brush the pet’s fur daily to prevent dirt from building up on it.

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