Giardiasis In Cats: Causes Of Infection And Symptoms

Giardiasis in cats: causes of infection and symptoms

Unfortunately, like us, pets can also suffer from various diseases throughout their lives. In the case of  giardiasis in cats, this is a very common intestinal problem. Knowing the causes of transmission and the symptoms will help you manage it better.

We are talking about a pathology that appears with gastrointestinal signals. Many specimens can suffer from  giardiasis in cats , so try to observe any changes in your four-legged friend and always rely on your trusted veterinarian.

What is giardiasis in cats?

To begin with, you need to know something about this disease caused by the parasitic protozoan Giardia lamblia . It is he who causes giardiasis, a pathology that affects the small intestine of domestic cats. Over time, this organ is deformed and can no longer perform its task: the animal victim of the disease is no longer able to absorb fat or vitamins.

If not treated in time, giardiasis can spread to the large intestine. When this happens, the animal’s entire digestive system weakens. Therefore, it is essential to detect the disease as early as possible.

Transmission of giardiasis in cats

You should know that if your pet suffers from feline immunodeficiency syndrome or leukemia, the chances of giardiasis are higher because their defenses are low.

This disease can appear in very small cats, but also in older cats. In the first case, it is due to the fact that they have not yet received all the required vaccines. In the second, giardiasis in cats is favored by a general weakness of the organism.

a group of stray cats in the street

It is also necessary to know that this parasitosis is more common in animals that live in large colonies  or that often come into contact with other similar ones. The main means of transmission of this parasite are:

1. I did

If your cat sniffs the feces of another feline – obviously already infected – he can get the disease. The same if he steps on contaminated fecal matter and then licks his paws.

2. Direct contact

Another way to transmit giardiasis is to approach an animal that hosts these parasites. This can be a cat living in the same house or not. Be careful if your cat usually licks other cats and try to prevent this from happening.

3. Contaminated water

Sometimes, if a cat drinks from a puddle or a container where the water has been standing for a long time, it is likely that he can contract not only giardiasis, but other diseases as well.

4. Lack of hygiene

It is true that cats are very clean in general, but when they are used to going out on the street they may get so dirty that they cannot clean themselves. You could give him periodic baths, to strengthen the hygiene measures of your four-legged friend.

What are the symptoms of giardiasis in cats?

Although they cannot speak with words, animals certainly know how to express what they hear through gestures, sounds and attitudes. When a cat is sick, they will show less energy than usual, avoid eating, and spend many hours sleeping.

Cat at the vet

To detect giardiasis in cats, you will need to pay attention to these signs and, if one or more of them occur, immediately take him to your trusted veterinarian:

1. Gas

Flatulence will be more frequent and with a much more fetid smell than usual.

2. Diarrhea

Accompanied by gas, abundant, sudden and liquid evacuations can occur. Be careful because diarrhea causes dehydration. Therefore, provide your pet with more water.

3. Loss of appetite

This is one of the clearest signs of something going wrong. If he does not want to eat, you could try offering the cat some wet food, which is more palatable. If this unusual loss of appetite persists, do not let any more time pass and take him to the veterinary clinic.

4. Vomiting

Since giardiasis gradually weakens the cat’s digestive system and stomach, intestinal upset will be the order of the day.

5. Fatigue

Your pet will appear fatigued and apathetic, will not want to play or get out of bed. Fatigue will be very visible and the animal will only be able to make short trips.

Finally, it is good to know that giardiasis in cats is treated with specific drugs and that the treatment can last up to a couple of weeks. With the right doses and controlled hygiene, the animal will recover in a short time.

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