Here Are 3 Risks Of Humanizing The Dog

Here are 3 risks of humanizing the dog

A fairly widespread trend nowadays is to humanize the dog. However, attributing behaviors typical of human beings to animals, whether done unconsciously or consciously, can cause these various problems. We tell you which ones.

How are animals humanized?

Among the most common actions among those who usually humanize their dogs, we find:

  • Treat them like little children.
  • Dress them “in fashion” with clothes, accessories and even jewelry.
  • Take them for a walk in a wheelchair or in your arms or bag.
  • Submit them to sophisticated aesthetic treatments.
  • Organize birthday parties, weddings, anniversaries, etc.
  • Use products designed exclusively for humans (drugs, cosmetics, some foods, etc.).

Dog with sweater

All of these issues lead to the development of various ailments in dogs that need to be corrected in time to prevent major physical and emotional health problems from being generated. The veterinarian or an animal behavior specialist are the best people to indicate how to deal with these issues.

Find out the main risks of humanizing the dog

Below we list in detail the main risks of humanizing the dog. Be careful.

1- Behavior problems

Humanizing the dog can generate a number of behavioral disorders. Treating the dog as if it were a person will cause him great confusion, which can cause alterations in his behavior. Eg:

  • Being aggressive with owners, strangers or other animals.
  • Urinating or defecating in inappropriate places.
  • Excessive breaking or biting of objects: shoes, clothes, journals, plants, etc.
  • Develop stereotypes: chasing your own tail, chasing non-existent flies, compulsively licking legs or other parts of the body.
  • Constantly barking.

Therefore, we must start from a fact that it is necessary not to forget. A dog is a dog, not a person. If we want a healthy and happy coexistence with our dog, we must respect its nature and learn to interpret its body language. In this way we will be able to socialize and educate him properly.

2- Eating disorders

Humanizing the dog can also lead to obesity or food shortages. A dog must lead a balanced diet in accordance with its characteristics and what each stage of its existence requires.

Giving the dog food intended for human consumption, in addition to that of its usual diet, will certainly generate an animal that is obese or that does not see its nutritional needs properly met.

Although a prize is allowed every now and then, it is better if you choose among the biscuits suitable for dogs, something that can be inserted in the framework of its usual diet.  Avoid excess sweets and go for healthier and still delicious food for your pet.

3- Disadvantages for physical health

Dog on the bed

Beyond the emotional problems that we can cause to a dog if we humanize it, not even the dangers related to its physical health are to be underestimated. A very common reasoning among those who humanize their pet is that “if something is good for me, then it won’t harm my dog ​​either”.

Therefore, we fall into the serious mistake of giving him specific medicines for people, which can cause serious health problems. Some remedies, in fact, are definitely toxic for our four-legged friends. We must never forget that humans and dogs do not belong to the same species and therefore have different metabolisms. Obviously, as a result, we process and eliminate substances differently.

The same goes for cleaning products. Dogs and people don’t have the same pH. Therefore bathing the dog with our shampoo can cause allergies and other more or less serious dermatological problems. The use of clothing that, in addition to making them feel uncomfortable, is designed with inappropriate fabrics can also cause inconvenience.

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