Homemade Cat Snacks

Homemade cat snacks

You love being with your cat and, above all, you love to see how it has fun in your company: as a good owner, to make your furry friend happy, you work hard, dedicating time, money and energy to the care of your cat.

But it doesn’t always have to be that complicated. You can make sure that your cat has fun with us in a simple and economical way.

There are so many things you can do to make your cat happy. Today we are talking about a delicious idea: how to prepare snacks for cats at home.

Snack for cats: an ally in the education of the animal


First of all it must be said that snacks for animals, in this case cats, can be used for different purposes. You can, for example, give one to your cat not only because they are greedy, but also because they can be used as tools to educate your friend.

If you follow the reward and punishment method to educate him , snacks for cats are a really effective tool since they represent a greedy reward that you can give him every time he behaves in the right way.

This action is imprinted in the mind of your little friend and will help you to reinforce the correct behaviors of your cat, stimulating the repetition of a suitable behavior.

At the same time, this practice will help you to strengthen the bond with your cat, since it is a way to show all your affection. And if you give him a little pampering and talk to him softly, it will be even better.

Moderation first of all

Obviously, if you do not use these snacks in the right way, you will not get the desired results: if, for example, you continuously feed him this type of delicacy, it is difficult for your cat to connect this action with a reward or a reward for his good. conduct. And that’s not all: there are other risks.

You have to keep in mind that cat snacks are not always the healthiest option to feed your friend, especially when it comes to pre-packaged products. In fact, these are foods with a high calorie content, not to mention that they are usually given to the animal between meals.

All of this can result in the animal rapidly gaining weight and turning it into a chubby cat.

So don’t forget that cat snacks shouldn’t exceed 10% of your kitty’s diet.

Snack recipes for cats

Below we give you two recipes to prepare delicious snacks for cats that you can also serve as a basis for other snacks: just change the main ingredient!


Carrot pie


  • ½ cup of honey
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 can of tuna
  • 1 egg


  • In a bowl, beat the egg with the help of a fork.
  • When it is well beaten, add the carrot cut into small cubes, the drained and chopped tuna and the honey.
  • Mix all the ingredients well, until you get a homogeneous mixture with which you will make round bites of medium size.
  • Once the morsels are formed, arrange them in an airtight container and put them in the refrigerator.

These morsels can be kept in the fridge for two or three days: your cat will lick his whiskers!

Tuna biscuits


  • 2 cups of cornmeal
  • 2 cups of plain flour
  • 175 ml of water
  • 200 ml of olive oil
  • 1 can of tuna


  • Turn on the oven at 250 ºC.  
  • Mix the two flours, oil and water and knead for a few minutes.
  • When you have obtained a rather homogeneous mass, add the tuna and start kneading again.
  • Roll out the mixture well, until it forms a mass of a couple of centimeters thick that you will cut out as you like: here you can let your imagination fly. You can help yourself with a small glass, to get round biscuits that are all the same, or, if you want to be more original, you can use pastry cutters with different shapes, such as fish or star shapes (the possibilities are endless).
  • Once the biscuits have been cut out, arrange them on a baking sheet that you have previously greased.
  • Bake them in a preheated oven for half an hour.
  • Take the cookies out of the oven, let them cool completely and get ready to see how satisfied your cat tastes them!

    These cookies can be kept in the fridge like other morsels.

    As we said before, these two recipes can be used as a base to prepare other snacks for your cat with new flavors: all you have to do is replace the tuna with another type of fish suitable for your cat. In this way you will surely be able to stimulate the curiosity and appetite of your furry friend: he will be happy and will enjoy these moments, and you too!

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