How Long Can A Dog Spend Alone?

How much time can a dog spend alone?

When you adopt a pet, you can’t always spend all day together. Chances are you will have to spend some time alone or your circumstances will change and that time will lengthen further. But how long can a dog spend alone ? Today we will try to answer this question, so that you can take care of your pet in a more conscious and responsible way.

Do you know how much time a dog can spend alone in the house?

When you adopt a pet, you do it to have company and to take care of it properly. This does not mean that you have to be with him all day, something which is obviously impossible. All work, have family and social commitments, just to name two trivial examples.

Age is key

The truth is, we’d like to give you the exact number of hours a dog can be alone, but there are several factors that influence the response, including age. It is not the same to leave an adult dog alone for eight hours than a three-month-old puppy.

Dog rests on a doormat in front of a white door

The puppy will not be able to be without an owner for too long and may suffer from separation anxiety. You must also take into account the fact that the needs of younger dogs are more numerous than those of an already large dog. So, the less time you spend alone, the better off it will be.

How long have you adopted it

You have to  take into account the age of your relationship, because the animal will only feel safe and confident if it has known you for a long time. He will suffer less when he has to overcome some time in solitude: he has already assumed the fact that there are times when he has to do without you.

Conversely, if you have just adopted a pet and start abandoning it to itself in the house for 8-10 hours from day one, it is likely that it will feel scared, lonely and sad.

Experts say you should never leave a newly adopted dog alone for more than 3-4 hours a day. At the same time,  it is unhealthy to force an animal into solitude for more than 8 hours, every day. Better to take another type of animal, less dependent, such as a cat.

Dog Alone For Too Long: What Happens?

A dog that does not know the environment, that is not educated and that is still a puppy, can have even serious behavioral problems. He will start biting on furniture, shoes and doors, and he may bark so much that it creates problems with the neighbors. These are only the most visible signs of his unhappiness. But there are other less surprising ones that need to be paid more attention.

Dog next to a door destroyed by its bites

We are talking about the emotional and self-esteem problems that the animal can experience on its own skin. The feeling of abandonment, thinking that you don’t love him, that he has done something wrong, fear of an unknown environment, stress, anxiety and depression are very important psychological problems.

On the other hand, spending only many hours in a row can also negatively affect the functioning of your body. For example, with an imbalance of the intestinal flora and the cycle of depositions: the animal will no longer be able to hold back feces or urine. An animal can endure eight hours without “going to the bathroom”, but it is an unnatural effort that can damage its health.

Also remember that it is not the same to leave a dog alone for 8 or 10 hours in a row, rather than going home for a couple of hours to be with him for lunch. Nor is it the same to do it at night, for example, when the animal is asleep and less aware of being alone.

Anyway, we suggest you get organized. If you know that your dog will spend eight hours in a row alone or more, you can always resort to a dog sitter or ask for the collaboration of a neighbor or a family member, who can come and visit him, maybe take him for a walk or spend time with him.. This will make the wait more bearable and your pet will feel better.

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