How To Approach A Dog That Is Afraid

How to approach a dog that is afraid

You may have tried to pet a fearful dog. One of those who, as soon as you try to approach, runs away in the opposite direction. The reasons why the dog runs away can be various, but they are usually related to certain personality problems. Approaching a dog who is afraid requires a lot of patience, calm and will.

It should be noted that fearful dogs aren’t the only ones you can find on the street. Some of them are by nature and, for many owners, this can be a problem when it comes to socializing them. For this reason, in the following article we will reveal some techniques to  approach a dog who is afraid .

Why are dogs afraid?

Like people, dogs have different personalities that characterize them as individual beings. To be able to decipher them, the dog trainers have created the terms “submissive” and “dominant”, which are used to identify the different types of character.

Dogs that are afraid fall into the category of submissive dogs in most cases. They usually choose to be led by a pack leader or even multiple  leaders . By creating a certain hierarchy within these social groups, it is normal that there are more timid or more aggressive specimens than others.

That said, it is clear that it would be wrong to  approach a dog who is afraid in the same way as a normal dog. When a dog is feeling weak and fearful, they will tend more easily to resort to aggression. It is a form of self-defense and what looked like a frightened puppy could exhibit unexpected and dangerous attitudes.

To detect when a dog is afraid or not, it is enough to observe his body language. Holding your tail high, showing your teeth or opening your eyes wide are clear symbols of impending aggression. If these behaviors are observed, the ideal is to walk away immediately.

A female pit bull rests in the shade

The way we approach the animal greatly influences how it will react. What do we mean exactly? We cannot treat a frightened animal like we do any other. You will have to approach it very slowly and calmly, so as not to disturb or provoke it.

Tips for getting close to a fearful dog

The first tip is to  always be very calm, because these animals  are able to detect a person’s nervousness. This could also make them nervous and trigger unexpected aggression.

Another recommendation is to act as if the dog isn’t there. One of the most common mistakes, to avoid, is to look him straight in the eye or to be very dominant in space. This action causes the animal to feel cornered and resort to violence as a means of defense.

An approach with slow and light steps must be accompanied by an apparently distracted look. Let him know that you are not a threat to him and that you are only trying to be friends with him. Some dog trainers recommend talking to the dog softly. A way to try to reassure the animal and show him that you don’t want to do him any harm.

Others recommend stooping to the dog’s level to prevent it from feeling overwhelmed by human stature. This is also a way to communicate that you don’t want to prove your supremacy: keep in mind that as a sign of submission, dogs throw themselves to the ground with their paws up. By doing so, the animal will know that you want to be his friend.

What to do if the dog runs away in fear?

One of the best advice we can give you is not to chase it. If he sees you running after him, his brain will tell him that you chase him to “hunt” him and harm him. The situation could take a bad turn. Also, if you’re unfamiliar with the area, you may end up in a confined area or a dead end, coming face to face with an animal that you could expect everything from.

Angry dog ​​barks in a park

The dog shows aggression to defend itself

If, in approaching a fearful dog, the animal ends up becoming very aggressive, there are only two options for continuing with your work.

The first is to end the attempt and leave him alone. It must be remembered that our safety is the most important thing.  It is not worth the risk of being bitten and contracting diseases (such as rabies or tetanus) and even losing a finger.

The second option is to be resilient in our mission. Although the dog continues to show clear signs of aggression (barks, shows canines, arches his back), you can insist on  continuing your friendly and calm approach. You will need to be very careful and cautious to avoid getting bitten. The key is patience. With a little luck you will succeed and win a new friend. And perhaps a new member of your family.

Other tips for getting close to a fearful dog

  • Never force contact : let the process go on by itself. The dog must make an effort to understand that you are not a threat to him and that he is in no danger.
  • Do not stand up, lie on your side:  sitting on your side is a play signal for dogs. You will use body language to convey that you are coming in friendship.
  • Try some food : if you have dog treats or biscuits, try to give them with your hand. In case it becomes aggressive for various reasons, leave the food on the ground. In a short time he will understand that he does not have to fear you and, almost certainly, he will approach himself and start to smell you.

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