How To Have An Obedient Dog

Like having an obedient dog

The dog’s behavior is the result of the combination of various factors. Genetic inheritance, the education he receives and above all the experiences lived as a puppy come into play. You must know that obedience exercises cannot be something impromptu and impromptu. Your dog must learn to obey the commands you give him in the most normal situations of everyday life. It is important that your pet comes to the call, that he understands what behaviors he should not have, that he remains immobile when you order him and above all that he learns  the conduct on a leash.

To do this, you need to start with these exercises right away. The puppies are able to understand the orders as early as the fourth month. But that doesn’t mean an adult dog can’t learn. If you have adopted an adult dog and not yet “educated”, do not despair. It is never too late to learn!

What you need to know to educate your dog


First of all, do not be overcome by discouragement. Don’t expect your dog to learn in a nutshell. Obedience exercises must be done daily.  With dedication and patience the dog will soon assimilate the orders.

-You have to be consistent. The teaching of orders involves the entire family unit. All family members must use the same words and gestures. The dog will respond correctly to orders only if the rules are clear. 

Orders must be given in an energetic and decisive manner. You don’t have to be aggressive or bossy. Violence is obviously banned!

-You must always keep in mind that the game and the rewards facilitate the learning process. Your dog will be delighted to receive a delicious snack as a reward. But know that even a caress or a compliment are rewards for your faithful friend.

Basic tips for having an obedient dog


Each order must be accompanied by a gesture of reinforcement. For example, if you say “stop”, show him the palm of your hand as if it were a signal to stop. If you say “come”, show him where he should go. 

It is vital that your dog comes to the call. His life is at stake. If you don’t teach him, the dog could run away, be run over, get lost, etc. Again, use a precise word and gesture.

-If you are at the park and you are calling your dog to go home, it is better that you play with him for a while before returning home. This is a good way to prevent your dog from associating the “come” order with the end of games and fun.

-It is important that your dog learns to stop in front of an open door. You must teach him to move only when you order him to. The same rule must be observed on the street. He can never ever cross unless you give him permission.

Dogs often get excessively excited in the presence of other dogs, when visiting unknown people, etc. The “sit” order is useful precisely in circumstances where your dog loses control of the situation.

-To teach the dog to go to the leash, you have to get used to it from a puppy. You don’t have to wait for your first walk to use the leash, you can start using it at home.

Your dog will probably not accept the leash willingly. Even if your dog pulls or rebels, you are not allowed to jerk or pull him. It could hurt your neck or cause stress and anger. You can say “no” or “stop” and, once calmed, start walking again.

-If your dog has broken something or has gone to the house, there is no point in reproaching him. It is useless because the dog cannot connect something that has already happened to what you tell him. Only get angry if you catch him red-handed.

Dogs are pack animals, just like wolves for that matter. Their gregarious spirit unites them to the human family and is manifested through gestures. You must observe your dog to know his body language and to be able to communicate with him. Only in this way will your faithful friend understand that you are the leader and the pack leader.

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