How To Make The House Safer For Our Cat?

How to make the house safer for our cat?

Cats are active and very curious animals, always ready to explore every corner of the house and discover new things. It is precisely these qualities that can endanger our animal. To avoid this, it is necessary to take some precautions so that our furry friend is safe in the house, removing everything that could pose a risk to him.

For example,  plants can be very dangerous for our pet, as many of them are poisonous to animals.

Examples of unsafe items in the home 


  • Some appliances such as the washing machine, dryer and dishwasher must always be closed. A kitten will always want to get in somewhere, for example, in boxes. To avoid scares and domestic accidents, it is best not to leave these appliances open and others that the cat could access.
    • The curtains. Our cat will think that the tents are there for him to climb on. However, the curtains will not withstand its weight, they are not meant for that.
    • Electric cables are dangerous. Maximum precautions must be taken regarding cables, i.e. hide them behind the sofa, chairs, furniture, etc.
    • Small items. Small items attract a lot of cats’ attention. For example, rings, small jewelry, valuables, etc.
    • Cleaning products. Among the most dangerous elements that a cat can ingest are cleaning products and chemicals, insecticides, detergents or anti-freezers, which are toxic to them. They should never be left in an easily accessible place.

    Some tips if you have a cat at home

    Our feline friends don’t just need quality nutrition. To be happy, they  must keep busy and receive the stimuli necessary to develop their intelligence. Even if this implies a greater effort for us, our cat will reward him more than he should, with all his affection. As is often the case when it comes to felines, giving is receiving.

    Having enough space available is the first aspect to consider for a cat to be happy.  That way, he can wander around the house. Although the feline will adapt very well to its home life, it will need access to many rooms.

    Beds at different heights. Cats are able to transform the most unexpected spaces of the house into a comfortable feline bed. Chairs, drawers, cabinets and even the sink can be used as a bed for these animals to rest. Cat owners need to understand the feline nature for their cat to be happy : for this purpose, it would be good to provide them with at least two beds. These must be placed at different heights. One of them can stand on the floor and have at least three walls (a simple box is fine), the second must be at a certain height, which is accessible to the cat.

    Very cat-like nature

    Our cat needs a litter box to always keep clean, large enough to be comfortable. It will be necessary to put it in a secluded area, that is, one that ensures a certain intimacy. If the litter box is located away from external windows or glass, it will be intimate, away from the prying eyes of other cats outside the home.

    A balcony in every home


    For our feline it is very important that there is light in the house. For this reason, a safe terrace or balcony, protected with railings that prevent the cat from escaping, getting lost or having an accident, will be very rewarding for our friend. It will guarantee him direct sunlight, external sounds and new smells, as well as being protected from insects, other small animals, etc.

    The pleasure of weed

    Most cats have a special attraction to catnip, a plant that gives off a mint-like aroma. A feline is frequently observed to jump or run from place to place after chewing this plant.

    Scratching post in the house

    An indoor cat will need a scratching post to claw on, relieve stress and leave powerful visual and olfactory marks to the other cats  in the house. For this reason, it is advisable to have scratching posts at home where our cat can file his nails. It can be created easily or purchased from a pet shop.

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