How To Prevent The Cat From Climbing On The Sofa

How to prevent the cat from climbing on the sofa

Cats love to climb on furniture to get a privileged view of the house. Or simply enjoy a nap without being disturbed. But if you want to prevent the cat from climbing onto the sofa (or bed), you will need a good strategy. Here, then, is a series of tips that will surely come in handy.

Can a cat be trained?

Unfortunately, it is wrong to think that cats cannot be trained. Nor is it fair to believe that, due to the fact of being independent animals, they do not have to respect some limits you set. These domestic felines are highly intelligent and sensitive. Therefore, not only “can” but above all they must learn some basic rules to promote a healthier coexistence.

As mentioned, they are more independent beings than dogs; moreover, each specimen has its own personality. This does not mean that they cannot learn or obey you owners, quite the contrary. They will simply need to receive an education geared to their needs and their way of understanding reality.

Dogs and cats perceive, interpret and express the information they receive in their environment in a totally different way. So, the secret is to avoid treating cats as if they were dogs. The teaching methods must be different and weighted respecting the differences between the two species.

a cat scratches a blue sofa

Teach the cat not to get on the sofa

If you want to prevent the cat from getting on the sofa, the first thing you need to do is not to reinforce this behavior. If you have just adopted a puppy, the tendency is to allow him anything. However, it is precisely in childhood that animals acquire and learn to respect the rules that will accompany them even later, in adulthood.

If you allow the little feline to climb onto the sofa, he will assimilate this behavior as something normal and harmless. From there, she will continue to use this furniture to rest or warm up during cold days, even in her adult stage. When the animal internalizes a habit and it becomes part of its routine , it becomes almost impossible to correct this behavior.

It is essential to start the education of the cat from the first months of life. To prevent your feline from climbing onto the bed or sofa, you must do everything to prevent this behavior from becoming a habit. Even if you say “No!” to a very sweet puppy it may seem a bit cruel, it will be essential to educate him well.

a black cat on a sofa

Tricks to prevent the cat from climbing on the sofa

Set up a very comfortable kennel

Many cats prefer to sleep and lie down on armchairs and sofas simply because they are more comfortable and cozy than their kennel. This also happens when the owners have bought or built one. But, probably, for some reason it does not meet the pet ‘s comfort needs  .

A good idea is therefore to create a comfortable kennel and, in addition,  place it in a specific place, for example in an elevated area. It must be big enough, soft and you can put your four-legged friend’s favorite toys inside.

The importance of environmental enrichment

Most often, cats suffer from stress or boredom. This is mainly the result of a sedentary routine that springs from a monotonous environment. Also in this case you can intervene to change things and create a place that can stimulate the body and mind of your little friend. Getting on the sofa, bed, shelves, or clinging to curtains is actually a sign of a lack of fun and things to do.

Observe your home and ask yourself if your cat has enough toys, if he uses the scratching post and other accessories with which he can entertain himself when you are not at home. Remember that environmental enrichment can help improve his behavior and improve his cognitive abilities.

Use the leverage of positive reinforcement

We have repeatedly reiterated a fundamental concept in the education of pets. And that is that any negative method (based on punishment, shouting, blows and violence) is absolutely counterproductive, since it only serves to instill fear and mistrust. Faced with irrational and aggressive behavior, the cat will refuse to learn, however much you may insist and force it.

The positive reinforcement is the most safe and effective way to teach good habits to your pets. In addition, it will ensure their well-being, both physical and mental. Whenever you want to teach your cat something, remember to offer him a treat to stimulate learning and encourage repetition of positive behaviors.

They don’t necessarily have to be food rewards. In addition to snacks , you can offer him toys, accessories, caresses or a delicious homemade cake.

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