How To Properly Receive A Hamster At Home?

How to properly receive a hamster at home?

Would you like to know how to get a hamster at home ? These are excellent pets and, in fact, are the first choice of many children.

They are easy to care for, cute and smart, perfect for family living. Here is a series of useful tips for receiving a hamster at home in the most correct way possible.

Prepare the habitat  or cage

Because of its small size and the danger it can bite into electrical wires, your hamster should be kept in a cage.

This space must be prepared and set up before welcoming the hamster into the home, a little in advance. Therefore, take the time to take your time and avoid the last minute rush.

To make your new friend feel good, we suggest you  choose a wide and large cage, in which he can move and feel more free.

You can also build one with your own hands and without bars. There are many alternatives and the more space you have, the happier your hamster will be.

Inside its cage, you will have to foresee the following areas:

  • A place to sleep, for example a small house.
  • Feeder and drinking fountain, to feed the animal.
  • Toys to gnaw on, ramps to climb and tunnels to hide in.

Some objects, mistakenly placed in hamster cages, can be dangerous.

For example, there are types of “wheels” that can damage this rodent’s back or crush it if it gets between the spokes of the structure.

Similarly, if you think you can leave the animal free around the house, know that there are special balls in which the hamster can be inserted.

He will be able to do some sport, explore the house, but without the risk of getting himself into some trouble.

Gabbia per ricevere il criceto a casa

Within its habitat , you can try to build toys or different areas of fun or entertainment.

With recycled materials, such as cardboard, it is possible to mount a tunnel, a ladder or even leave a cereal bar that your pet will gnaw to file his teeth.

Prepare the refrigerator for the hamster

Before adopting a hamster you should find out about the foods you can give them and which ones are dangerous and totally forbidden.

A few days before the arrival of the new “tenant”, deepen your knowledge on the diet, feed and supplements that you can give to this small rodent.

Usually, it is enough to provide him with balanced feed, specially designed for hamsters. Or even other processed foods, even if they’re not the healthiest option.

They are herbivorous animals, so the fresh food you give them should consist exclusively of raw fruit and well-washed vegetables.

For example: apples, pears, bananas or cherries. When it comes to vegetables, your hamster will love carrots, broccoli, chard, endive or green beans.

So prepare a good amount of these foods in your fridge before receiving the hamster at home.

From day one you will already know what to feed him and this will improve the process of adapting to his new home.

In addition, hamsters are great lovers of seeds and nuts. In addition to the balanced feed, for example, you can prepare a mix of sunflower seeds, flax, corn and walnuts.

Orange hamster eats seeds

But be careful: the seeds of the apple contain poisonous substances that could kill this rodent.

Hazelnuts, grape seeds, spicy foods, and garlic are all prohibited foods.

The whole family will have to cooperate

As with any animal, clear rules must be established before the hamster gets home. In this way, all family members will have a task and will know how to act in the management of the new pet.

You will have to decide who will take care of feeding him, or always have fresh water. Do not forget the cleaning of the cage, as for its health, the hamster must always live in a healthy and clean environment.

Remember that these are nocturnal animals: during the night they will stay awake for a long time and may make a lot of noise. They run, gnaw and never stop.

It is therefore important to choose a room and a fixed position that does not jeopardize healthy coexistence.

Hamster at home: choose a trusted veterinarian

Hamsters can also get sick. Before receiving a hamster at home, you will need to find out about the veterinarians in your area who specialize in an emergency.

Criceto bagnato con una zampa ingessata

Its health is as important as that of any other animal. However, in order to be able to treat such a small organism, it will be necessary to resort to an exotic animal specialist.

During the first visit that you book, you can ask him all the necessary questions, focusing above all on vaccines and any precautions.

Hamsters are small and docile animals, but they require time and attention, like all other pets.

Before receiving a hamster at home, take note of our advice, in order  to better prepare the welcome in his new family.

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