How To Travel On Public Transport With A Pet

The adaptation process is one of the key factors to consider when traveling on public transport with a pet.
How to travel on public transport with a pet

Fortunately, there are more and more cities in the world that allow pets on public transport. Of course, there are a number of rules and recommendations to follow to ensure the well-being of your best friend and other passengers. In this article, we will tell you how to travel on public transport with a pet.

How to travel on public transport with a pet

1. Know and respect the specific rules of transport and the city

Each country, region, city or municipality can establish specific rules for accessing public transport with pets. In addition, each means of transport may have different conditions or recommendations.

Traveling on public transport with a pet
Before traveling on public transport with a pet, it will be necessary to consult the rules of the city and each means of transport. It is not only a question of legality, but also of enjoying the resources available.

When it comes to the weight and size of pets, many cities are quite flexible, although in general it is forbidden to carry potentially dangerous dogs or exotic animals. Some cities are more stringent and it will be possible to travel on public transport with a small or medium-sized pet.

2. Vaccination and deworming, always up to date

Before traveling by public transport with a pet, it will be essential to ensure that the vaccination and deworming records are up to date. In reality, it is basic care to offer adequate preventive medicine to our best friends for life.

Vaccination for dogs

3. The microchip

In many European cities to go on the subway with your pet, the microchip is essential. Although other cities do not require the presentation of the microchip certificate, it is an essential element to prevent your pet from getting lost.

Lost dog

It is also recommended to provide an identification tag for travel abroad. Although it does not replace the microchip, this plate allows immediate contact and facilitates the return of the animal home.

4. The pet carrier for traveling on public transport with a pet

The best option for traveling by public transport with a pet is to have a pet carrier appropriate for its size. First, the carrier makes it easier to move with one animal in a public place with many other people. In addition, it provides a safe and controlled environment in which the pet can feel protected from noises, unknown stimuli and other animals. Therefore, owners of small dogs and cats should prefer the use of the carrier on public transport.

Traveling on public transport with a pet

Medium to large dogs may be better suited to walking with a leash and muzzle. Carrying them on the carrier is not possible, as this would imply that a person has to carry at least 10 kilos.

5. Respect the pet’s adaptation times

If your pet has never been out on the street, traveling by public transport will be a very unpleasant experience for him. He will be exposed abruptly, without any previous preparation, to a series of stimuli and unknown, moreover in motion.

How to travel on public transport with a pet
First of all, you have to get the pet used to being inside the carrier. The first step will be to present the object to him, always leaving it open at his disposal. Then place a snack or some kibble right on the front door.

When the pet approaches the door without any problems, place the food in the carrier, but always leave the door open.

Once your pet has voluntarily entered the carrier, it will be possible to start closing the door, little by little. First of all, you will move it halfway, leaving the carrier ajar and we will observe its behavior.

If the animal is calm, you will proceed to close the door ; if he is still nervous, wait and try another day until he is calm in the crate with the door closed.

After successfully completing the above process, you can take your pet for a ride in the carrier. To start, take short walks in the immediate vicinity of the house and always reward him for behaving well when they get home.

Gradually you will see that the animal will stay calm and it will be the right time to prepare for its first trip by public transport.

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