How To Understand That Your Dog Is Aging

How to understand that your dog is aging

The effects of time are noticeable on both people and animals. Old age comes quickly and there are many signs, even for our animals, that indicate the arrival of the “third age”. 

Your dog is getting old

The stage of aging in our animals arrives and it is necessary to take into consideration some signs that will indicate  the moment in which this phase could have begun. 

It is important to have some precautions to get them to arrive at this stage in the best possible way. Old age is not a disease, but the natural and progressive decay of the animal. As happens to humans, aging brings some diseases.

The two phases that indicate that the dog is aging


During the first stage, the animal begins to age on a cellular level. We will notice how its fur begins to change, becoming gray in some areas such as the legs and the muzzle, mainly due to the little movement.

In the second phase, the dog’s aging process is accelerated. He will lose his sense of smell and the hair will turn white. It will lose its luster by becoming dull, and changes in behavior will also occur.

This second phase is the most delicate, because kidney or heart disease could also occur. 

Signs that the dog is aging by weight

Very small or small dogs weighing less than 5-10 kg can be considered mature when they are 7 or 8 years old, and older when they are over 12. 

Dogs weighing less than 25 kg will reach mature age at 6 or 7, and seniority when they exceed 10. 

Large breed dogs, between 30 and 45 kg, are considered mature over 5 years old and old when they are over 8. 

Giant breed dogs, once they are over 5 years old, will age much faster and usually do not exceed 10 years of age. 

Race matters too

The breed of the dog is also another fundamental factor affecting its average age. For example,  a Boxer usually lives less than a German Shepherd.

The longevity of the Dwarf Poodle is known.  The longevity record is held by Bluey, an Australian shepherd dog who lived for 29 years.

The signs that the dog is aging

  • The white fur. As happens to people,  even in older dogs the color of the coat changes, which becomes white,  especially on the muzzle.
  • They do less and less physical activity. We will notice how the animal does not run or move as it once did.
  • There will be movements that he will avoid making. The joints and muscles of our 4-legged friends will no longer be like those of when they were young. Because of this, certain movements such as getting on the bed may be difficult for them to accomplish.
  • They need more rest. The dog is aging and his energy will decrease, which is why he will sleep or rest longer than before.
  • Some cognitive dysfunctions. The memory will fail and they will forget where the food is and when to go to the toilet.
  • They will no longer be able to hold their pee, and we may find it scattered around the house. 

Tips to help your dog experience old age to the fullest


  • You have to have a lot of patience with the animal. Continue with the daily walks, even if shorter and more continuous, and understand that your friend is not as energetic as before.
  • His teeth should be carefully checked. In case you have lost a lot of teeth, you will need to buy food suitable for senior dogs.
  • Brushing activates circulation and helps eliminate dead hair. This will help you see if there are any bumps on the skin.
  • By touching their lymph nodes, you can feel if anyone has swollen,  as it may be a tumor.
  • In case he has long hair, cut it in the eye area,  so that it does not block his view.
  • Visits to the vet should be more frequent in older dogs. 

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