How To Use Wet Wipes To Clean Pets

Some pets don’t like to bathe, but cleaning is necessary for their health. Alternatively, pet-specific wet wipes can be used.
How to use wet wipes to clean pets

The hygiene of the animal is important for its health and it is its owner who must take care of it. Bathing is a time-consuming activity and is not always pleasant for our pets. In addition, at times, the animal may find itself in a condition that is incompatible with the bathroom, such as, for example, after surgery. In these cases, wet wipes are a great solution.

But which are the right ones? What is the best way to clean the animal? Find out in this article.

Which wet wipes to use?

There are many types of wet wipes in the supermarket, but not all are suitable for pets. As for people, there are for adults and for babies, and they are also distinguished according to function. The same goes for those of pets.

It is not recommended to use wet wipes intended for people on pets. Always remember that an animal’s skin and pH are different from those of a human being, so choose the right wet wipes.

How to use them to clean pets

The wet wipes keep the pet clean in a comfortable and simple way. They are particularly suitable for cleaning, perfuming and polishing the fur of the animal. However, remember that they help with cleaning, but they will never be the same as the bathroom.

Dog in the bathroom.

Their use is very simple and you can always take them with you. For example, they are very convenient to use when the animal rubs itself with something foul-smelling during a walk. In fact, one of the main purposes of wet wipes is to eliminate odors effectively and quickly when bathing is not possible.

Using them is very simple. Basically, they are used in the same way they are used for humans: by rubbing them on the area to be cleaned and perfumed. You just need to be gentler on sensitive areas like the eyes, ears, mouth or between the toes.

They are usually found in plasticized containers, with an adhesive used to reseal them. It will be good to be careful and close the package well so that they do not dry out and lose their effectiveness.

There are also knobs. These are soaked in the scented cleaning solution and may be a better option than towels. Especially in cases where your pet doesn’t like bathing much.

If you simply want to remove specific dirt from the pet and don’t mind the smell or shine of the coat, you can use a towel you have at home. In this case, you just have to moisten it in water, squeeze it and use it to clean for the animal.

If this method is used to clean the animal after surgery, a lint-free towel should be chosen, as it may infect the wound.

Cat taking a bath.

Types of pet wet wipes

Since not all parts of the pet’s body are the same and have different needs, specific wet wipes are available for each area. The differences lie in the type of fabric; on the animal’s body, some areas of the skin are more sensitive or thinner with more pores. Below we present the different types:

  • Generic wet wipes : these are the least specific, suitable for all skin types. It is recommended to use them all over the body except for the ears and eyes.
  • For the ears : they are used to dissolve accumulated wax and remove debris from the ears. Highly recommended for pets with frequent ear problems and, or for those who, due to their species or breed, have a tendency to accumulate wax.
  • Eye Specifications : Cleaning the eyes is essential to avoid infections. As in the case of the ears, there are also species and breeds with a certain tendency to suffer from this type of disease.
  • Insect repellents : They are generally based on lemongrass, a plant that repels insect bites and has a very fresh aroma.

For any other needs depending on the type of skin of the animal, you can always ask the veterinarian, who will give you more information on the matter. Even so, as we have seen, the bathroom is not the only option for cleaning certain parts of the body. Wet wipes can be very useful if you know how and when to use them.

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