How To Wash Your Dog Without Bathing Him

How to wash your dog without bathing it

All pets must meet normal hygiene rules and follow a proper grooming routine to live a healthy and happy life. Just like eating habits, cleanliness is also one of the fundamental aspects to be able to live with a dog.

To keep dogs healthy and clean, it is always advisable to resort to the traditional bath, with water and soap. As simple as one hundred percent effective.

However, you don’t always have the space or time to bathe your pet. So let’s see a series of useful ideas and tips on how to wash your dog without using soap and water, in the best possible way.

Brushing the dog: as important as using water

Brushing is a fundamental practice for your dog’s health, but not only. In fact, it is a moment of union that strengthens the bond between animal and owner.

How to wash your dog without bathing it

Depending on the characteristics of each specimen, the frequency of brushing can vary. Short-haired breeds can be brushed just twice a week, using a fine comb and soft brush.

Dogs with a medium-length coat should be brushed at least four times a week, using a harder brush and a comb with steeper tips.

If you have a long-haired dog , it  is advisable to brush it once a day, using a soft brush and a comb that allows you to eliminate possible knots. Remember to always perform movements following the direction of the hair and always in a slow and gentle way.

A clean dog is a healthy dog

Brushing your dog is a very important practice. Not only does it allow you to remove fallen hairs, but it also facilitates the birth of new ones. The onset of dandruff is avoided and the epidermis is kept in a perfect state of hygiene.

The fact of removing any knots and feeling the entire body of the animal will also allow you to notice any problems, such as the onset of anything abnormal on the dog’s skin.

In short, an excellent cleaning practice that can become a moment of fun and affection with your pet. The more you brush it, the better, there is no better way to pamper it in a useful and healthy way.

To make the process more comfortable for your pet and you, the owner, we recommend using a small coffee table. On the one hand, you will be able to work better while enjoying a more complete view. On the other hand, you will get your dog used to a position that will become familiar, even if you take him to the vet or do the grooming.

Keep in mind a very important aspect: brushing the dog improves the blood circulation of the animal.

Wash the dog without water

The option of using dry cleaning products  is perfectly valid.

There is a large number of very effective products for dog hygiene without having to use water. Their application is relatively simple:

  1. First you will need to comb the dog and remove any knots.
  2. Then, on a wet cotton towel, pour or spray the chosen product.
  3. Finally, gently rub the cloth, starting from the back, then moving to the legs, on the tail and, finally, clean the muzzle.
  4. To complete the dry cleaning, remove the product with a wet towel.

This action can be repeated as many times as you deem it necessary. It may be helpful to repeat further brushing.

Remember to use only products made specifically for dogs. You will never ever have to apply shampoos or soaps designed for humans.

Dog nutrition and hygiene

The good health of pets largely depends on proper nutrition. A balanced diet, which allows them to assimilate vitamins and minerals necessary for a full life, brings benefits in the short, medium and long term.

How to wash your dog without bathing it

The cleanliness of dogs, the condition of their skin and coat, as well as the odors they emit, are largely influenced by what they eat.

Some owners often complain about their dogs’ bad smell. The perception that many people have of the cleanliness and feeding of these animals is often very superficial.

For example, providing your dog with low-quality, un-nutritious food, with the excuse that it costs less. Providing an animal with unsuitable products can lead to digestive health problems. It is precisely these circumstances that lead to an increase in odors, both at the level of the needs and the skin of the animal itself.

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