How To Win The Cat’s Trust?

How to win the cat's trust?

Cats seem to be indifferent to their owners’ commands, cuddles and displays of affection. It doesn’t matter how sweetly or sweetly you call your cat – sometimes he doesn’t even look at you. Other times it observes you, but without moving an inch. In addition to being very independent animals, they behave that way because of their  natural distrust. Would you like to understand how to win the cat’s trust?

Before we start showing you the steps to follow so that your little pet feline trusts you, it must be said that you will need a lot of patience, time and love.

Tips for gaining a cat’s trust

Understanding his way of being

Cats usually  learn slower than dogs and react less immediately to rewards. Therefore, arm yourself with holy  patience and, above all, strive to understand your pet’s character and temperament.

Never force him to do something. Since he is selfish by nature, if your cat does not perceive the possibility of taking advantage of you, he will never do what you ask him to do. Even so, it won’t always react as you expect. If you are calm, a little noisy and a little insistent, it is possible that the animal reacts in a more than favorable way.

The importance of a comfortable and safe bed

The animal must feel important, at the center of your life. Therefore, you will need to do everything possible so that he feels comfortable and protected. If she feels safe at home, she will also be safe by your side. How can this be done?

orange cat sleeps on its stomach in the kennel

Give him a bedroom or a space all to himself. Here you will put his litter box in a slightly more hidden and sheltered area, where he will carve out a more intimate area. He will do his business in complete tranquility and without being seen by anyone. Don’t force him to come out if, at a given moment, you notice that he prefers to be on his own.

The presence of shelves and shelves to climb on is essential for your cat.  It is important that there are some in the house and in his closet. If you take a scratching post, it is preferable to choose one with elevations on which the animal can climb to play or feel safer, scanning the environment from above.

Give him food and water

It may seem trivial to remind you, but water and food are basic needs for any cat. Try not to let him ever miss it. We are talking about intelligent and very smart animals: in some cases they could even develop a grudge against a distracted or uncaring owner.

When you pour food or treats into your cat’s bowl, especially the first few times, say her name softly as you do so. As soon as he approaches, pet him before he starts to make food. In doing so, the cat will associate eating (a highly positive thing) with you, your sweet voice and your caresses. Nothing simpler!

Calm him down when he appears stressed

These little felines are nervous, curious and wary by nature. Therefore, to gain a cat’s confidence, knowing how to calm him down when stress reaches unsuspected limits is an important factor .

mistress approaches the cat to her face

While kind words and cuddling are key, a good idea is to use synthetic pheromones that will help manage your kitty’s anxiety. If you tend to be more nervous than usual, distribute them around the house with the help of diffusers similar to those used for deodorants. Apply them especially in places where your feline spends the most time.

Avoid eye contact

Even if it is nice to look your cat in the eye, know that these animals interpret it as a provocative attitude. The best thing to do, to start with, is to look away so you don’t make your cat nervous.

If you have glasses, take them off when you are together. In fact, they will see your eyes too big and it is possible that your pet will get scared, moving away from you.

Here are some tips you can use to gain your cat’s trust. Little by little, you will see how your four-legged friend will be more sociable and better disposed to your caresses and affection.

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