Hysterical Pregnancy In Rabbits: What Is It?

Hysterical pregnancy in rabbits is one of the most curious things that can happen when breeding these animals.
Hysterical pregnancy in rabbits: what is it?

As everyone knows, rabbits are a constantly breeding species. Female rabbits feel the desire to procreate much more than other species. The desire is so strong that they sometimes suffer from the famous hysterical pregnancy of rabbits.

The hysterical pregnancy of rabbits

Pseudo-pregnancy in rabbits is not a very common phenomenon and also occurs in other species such as dogs and cats. Sometimes, when females have not been fertilized during the mating season or have mated unsuccessfully, they can transform their bodies as if they are having a full-blown pregnancy.

Standard pregnancy

The rabbit has very short breeding cycles. A female takes only 31 days to complete a full gestation. To these must be added another 56 days of lactation, a period in which the little rabbits gain weight very quickly.

Typically, a mother gives birth to between eight and fourteen puppies. Its uncontrollable reproduction is due to the number of pups it has at each birth and the frequency with which the females become pregnant. The rabbit is a perfect animal for breeding.

Rabbits inside the cage.

If you want to breed rabbits and have them reproduce, the most obvious thing to do is to place the female in the male’s cage and then separate her immediately after copulation. If it is the heat season and the male is over eight months old, there is a very high probability that the rabbits will mate immediately.

After three weeks, if your rabbit becomes pregnant, you can put some straw in the cage so that she can build a nest. If he doesn’t build the nest, he may be suffering from stress. Few animals can be bred as successfully as rabbits. If you raise rabbits, one of the most curious things that can happen to you is to witness a hysterical pregnancy.

Similarities Between a Hysterical and a Normal Pregnancy.

It is very easy to confuse a hysterical pregnancy from a normal one. This is because the rabbit assumes most of the typical behaviors of a pregnant animal. One of the first signs that appear, and that makes us believe that she is pregnant, is precisely the change in behavior: the rabbit, pushed by this false pregnancy, becomes nervous and eats more than usual.

It is very common for breasts to develop and belly to swell, which will quickly make you think you are pregnant. But how is this possible if she has not mated with a male? In addition, they sometimes produce milk, which creates health problems for the animal.

Litter of rabbits.

In these cases, the rabbit must be taken to the vet for examination. If this is not the first time this has happened, control measures such as sterilization could be taken.

If nothing is done, your rabbit’s health could be affected. For example, she may be suffering from mastitis – which results from uncontrolled milk production – because there are no puppies to suckle the milk she produces.

Other times, in hysterical pregnancies, if she has the materials available, the rabbit will do all she can to build the nest even if she doesn’t really need it. Particular attention should be paid to animals that have already had these sham pregnancies. If you notice any symptoms that might make you think your rabbit is having a hysterical pregnancy, don’t hesitate to take her to the vet.

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