If Raw Milk Is Dangerous, Why Is It Sold?

This problem must be understood from the point of view of small farmers who, when forced to pasteurize their milk to sell it, have to go through intermediaries who keep most of the profit.
If raw milk is dangerous, why is it being sold?

Some time ago the news appeared that Catalonia will allow the marketing of unpasteurized milk. However, according to many, raw milk is dangerous, so the measure was considered risky by much of society.

Let’s find out why if raw milk is dangerous, it is sold.

Is raw milk dangerous?

Any food that has not undergone heat treatment or that has not been thoroughly washed carries some risks. Yes, raw milk is dangerous, like chicken or other products.

The problem is that while we tend to cook chicken, in many European countries very few people boil raw milk.

Although many media have warned of dangers such as bovine brucellosis, the truth is that this disease is considered to be eradicated in countries like Spain.

Simply put, raw milk is dangerous if not consumed responsibly. Regardless of whether it is allowed or not, we advise you not to consume it if you are unable to perform proper pasteurization.

Unpasteurized milk

If raw milk is dangerous, why are they selling it?

Although raw milk is dangerous, few have elaborated on the reasons behind the intention to sell these products. Many think it is another pseudoscientific fad, such as veterinary homeopathy. But both the question and the debate are much deeper.

One of the main reasons why the sale of raw milk is allowed is linked to the intention to give greater autonomy to farmers, in particular to those involved in intensive farming. The sale of raw milk allows them to sell the milk directly to consumers without resorting to intermediaries, who keep their profits.

While this may seem convenient for farmers, the fact is that these companies retain a huge percentage of the final product.

In this way, farmers are forced to sell their products at prices below the cost of production.

What does it mean? For small milk producers, production costs are higher than those earned by selling the product, so their business is doomed to failure.

Raw milk Catalonia

Why are small farmers needed?

On small farms, cows usually have more space to graze and are treated better than on intensively-reared macro farms. In addition, livestock farming has great benefits for the environment.

Not only that, rural farms encourage the development of these areas with less polluting operations, which is very important for some species such as the barn owl.

Furthermore, these companies are the ones that have to live with carnivorous species such as the wolf, for which they fight on all fronts, including the conservation of this animal.

This is why, even if selling raw milk is dangerous, we need to analyze the reasons for this trend and try to find alternatives to improve the conditions of livestock.

There are many products that you can buy in the local markets of your city or directly from local producers that are not dangerous. Buy them if you want to promote rural development and help the environment without putting your health at risk.

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