If You Are Single And Want A Pet, Adopt A Dog!

If you are single and want a pet, adopt a dog!

There are so many reasons to keep a dog, and if you are single and you often feel alone, what are you waiting for? Dogs do more than just offer us company. Today we are going to talk to you about all the benefits of having a dog, especially if you don’t have a partner.

The key aspect is that you are aware that having a dog comes with a number of responsibilities that you must be willing to accept. There will be expenses to cover for identification, registration and vaccination practices, not to mention food, various toys and quality nutrition.

You will also need to be willing to take him to a vet and pay for medical examinations when necessary, to maintain the hygiene of your pet and your home, to take him for a walk, to collect his needs, to find a place for him when you you are on vacation and so on. And these are just some of the responsibilities you will have to take on.

If once you know the responsibilities, you are still determined to take a dog with you, we tell you why it is a great solution for those who are single.

A dog for singles, a great decision!

single con cane

In addition to not making you feel alone, your dog will be able to be appreciated in many other ways. We list some of them:

  • It will make you feel loved. Dogs depend on us, and therefore they will always need you for something, be it a caress or a little affection. Who doesn’t like to feel indispensable?
  • It will make you feel stylish. Having a dog is very fashionable, and going for a walk with him will make you feel good.
  • It will help you in your social life. We are not saying that thanks to your dog you will find the love of your life (even if you never know), but having a dog facilitates conversations with other owners. Go to the park, sit down to control your dog while he starts playing with the dog of the person sitting next to you, and that’s it! At least you will make friends, that’s for sure.
  • You will have someone waiting for you at home when you return. Living alone, going out alone, eating alone, arriving home and finding it empty… these are very sad feelings, which can be canceled if you return to find a dog waiting for you.
  • It will help you exercise. Sometimes the daily commitments and tiredness do not make you train as you would like. Still, having a dog will force you to go out for a walk, and then get some exercise, improving your health. What more could you ask for?

The best dog breeds for singles

cani per single

Author: pafotofan

If you are already thinking about the possibility of having a dog but you do not know which is the right breed, we have selected for you the ones that we are convinced could be for you:

  • Pug. Due to its small size it is ideal for singles living in urban environments, where apartments are small. Furthermore, the Pug is affable in character and is a loyal friend. Ideal for short walks and simple environments, such as a city.
  • French Bulldog. An ideal companion for your solitary evenings. He is not particularly dependent, so don’t worry if you have to spend a lot of hours away from home. His short coat doesn’t need any special treatment, so keeping it combed won’t take you long.
  • Shiba. This is a beautiful medium sized Japanese dog. Very agile and active, but quiet, independent but at the same time affectionate. Ideal for every single.
  • Labradoodle. The union of two breeds that make it perfect. The hypoallergenic condition of a Poodle and the character of a Labrador. Quiet and patient attitude, very sensitive and affectionate. Another plus? It does not shed hair.

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