Let’s Get To Know The Types Of Scratching Posts For Cats

Let's get to know the types of scratching posts for cats

The habit of scratching is natural for felines, and hence the importance of scratching posts. Many owners believe that cats scrape objects just for the sake of it, but in reality it is an instinctive gesture for them. The belief that cats simply want to harm something means, in a sense, humanizing these animals. What you have to do is try to understand what the natural instincts of cats are to understand why they act this way.

To avoid damage to household items, there are scratching posts. They have been designed so that the feline can scratch them and therefore forget about the furniture around them.

Buy one for your furry friend or create your own!

The importance of scratching

For cats, scratching an object is the same as sleeping, eating, breathing or exercising for people.

Basically, scratching relaxes them because it allows them to stretch (thus avoiding tension) and also to mark the territory.

Also,  when they scratch, felines sharpen their nails and this makes them grow healthier and stronger.

The good news is you don’t have to wait for them to destroy your house. You don’t even have to resort to the horrible practice of cutting your 4-legged friend’s nails to “solve” the problem. The solution is very simple: scratching posts!

The types of scratching posts for cats

There are many models and sizes of cat scratching posts for both indoor and outdoor use. It is possible to adapt them to any space, with accessories that serve to lengthen or shorten them.

black and white cat with scratching post

Some scratching posts even have a cot included. Others have a built in play area. In pet shops you can find a large quantity.

The most common scratching posts are:

1. Basic scratching post

It is composed of a high pole with a base to keep it erect and another at the top to keep it balanced. It can be covered with natural sisal or any other rough material. This structure allows the cat to stretch by getting up on the two back legs and scratching with the front ones. It is the cheapest scratching post on the market.

2. Scratching post with accessories

Accessories are added to the basic structure to make it a kind of home or play station for your pet.

If you have enough space it is an excellent choice. It can have one or more tunnels where the cat can hide, ladders and various levels to ensure the feline has fun throughout the day. It is ideal for playful puppies.

3. Flat scratching post

It is suitable for kittens and if you live in a small house. It is a kind of frame with a canvas similar to a carpet, which allows the animal to scratch without exerting much pressure.

It can also be useful for adult cats who are no longer as athletic. It is very easy to make one yourself.

4. Cardboard scratching post

Of all the scratching posts it is the cheapest. In some cases it is even free.

Cats have a passion for cardboard boxes,  no matter what is inside, they will use them to play for hours. 

How to make a cat scratching post

If you are skilled at DIY crafting, build a scratching post for your cat. It is easier than you think.

red cat with scratching post


  1. A wooden post (approximately the same height as the cat)
  2. Two square wooden boards (the sides of the boards need to measure half the pole)
  3. Sandpaper for wood
  4. Sisal
  5. Scraps of carpet fabric
  6. Glue
  7. Nails and hammer

Steps to follow:

  1. Scrape the wood well to make sure no splinters or any other protrusions remain that could injure the cat.
  2. Cover the wooden planks with the carpet scraps you have chosen on both sides. Attach the material with glue.
  3. Put glue on the wooden post and place the sisal as tightly as possible.
  4. Nail both the base and the top to the ends of the wooden post.
  5. Let the glue dry.
  6. Show it to your cat to start having fun.

If you want, you can add a ball made with twine or wool to the structure, to draw the cat’s attention.

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