Let’s Learn About The Wonderful Nordic Breed Dogs

Let's learn about the wonderful Nordic breed dogs

During the decade of the nineties, the adoption of Nordic dogs became fashionable . The factors that determined this choice were in most cases their plush faces and their impressive furs. However, many times these animals are abandoned on the edge of some motorway, and currently they are the breeds that find more cases of abandonment in Spain.

Why do Nordic dogs have a harder time adapting?


Each breed is characterized by characteristic instinctive behaviors originating from their traditional lifestyle. Nordics are sled dogs, so they need a lot of daily physical activity and show a strong propensity for hunting.

Many times this breed struggles to adapt due to the lack of knowledge of the animal by the adoptive family; in most cases these dogs are used as hunting dogs, although in reality they are highly peaceful animals that hardly bark. Other times they are adopted to follow fashion or because they are beautiful. All these reasons, in addition to the inability of the owners to act as leaders, lead to continuous problems in the coexistence between man and animal, and cause the latter to abandon.

Moreover, not enduring loneliness, these animals need to integrate well into the family, and to do this they must always be educated with positive reinforcements: the owner will have to become the leader of the pack that the dogs will have to obey. Being a lover of hunting, care should be taken if they coexist with other animals, especially farm animals.

The master, leader of the Nordic dog

In order to share your life and your home with these dogs you must be aware of the fact that the owner will play the role of pack leader, otherwise the dog will occupy it, triggering aggressive attitudes towards some family member. These dogs tend to avoid people who are unstable, hysterical and with little character, and for this reason they will never show respect towards an insecure person.

To be a good owner it is therefore important to learn how to train the dog; to do this, avoid violent punishments, take them to the mountains in winter, do not lose your nerves on certain occasions, be willing to do large amounts of exercise every day and do not expect them to turn into a companion dog. They are very independent dogs and need to live in close contact with the family.

How is the character of Nordic dogs?


In general, Nordic dogs are intelligent, very active and extremely curious animals. They are made to adapt to extreme climates and love the cold. Despite this, they can easily adapt to any environment, and for this reason they can learn to live in an apartment, as long as they are given the opportunity to do a lot of physical activity. They are very quiet dogs and do not usually bark, and at the same time they are capable of following any stranger who shows them some affection, which is why they are not ideal watchdogs.

Originally being sled dogs, these dogs are great sportsmen, so it would be good to practice together with them activities such as agility dog, sled racing or canicross. Work and exercise will make them feel calmer and make them perform better around the house. They are dogs with a strong sense of the pack and they hate living alone, so the ideal thing would be to have two specimens of the same species in the house.

What happens to Nordic dogs that are abandoned?

Abandoned Nordic dogs suffer greatly at the time of setting in the animal centers where they are placed. To cope with this situation, “Proyecto Nórdico” was born in Spain, a project that saw the launch of a center that welcomes each abandoned Nordic dog individually, in order to find a suitable family for him. The special character of these dogs means that they need personalized care from experts who know their needs.

The main function of the organization “Proyecto Nórdico” is to spread the stories of these animals, to spread useful advice to the owners of this breed, to promote sterilization as a remedy against overpopulation and to encourage responsible adoption. These breeds have a hard time finding owners willing to care for them, and they boast a long history of abuse and neglect. For this reason, before adopting a dog you must know its needs and its character.

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