Meet The Havana Brown Cat

We know the Havana Brown cat

Elegance, green eyes and a short, smooth reddish brown coat are the hallmarks of the Havana Brown cat. But they are not the only ones. It is an intelligent, loving and kind feline who likes to play with the members of his human family.

A Caribbean name, but of English origin

The name of this breed can be deceiving,  as this cat comes from England, and not from Cuba.  It has been called in this way because its color is reminiscent of the famous Cuban cigars.

His coat, however, not only recalls these, but also chocolate and coffee. In any case, we are faced with a wonderful animal that is the result of a cross created by English breeders in the middle of the last century.

To give rise to Havana Brown, specimens of Siamese chocolate point and seal point, European short-haired black and Russian Blue were used. The breed soon began to gain popularity in the UK and crossed the Atlantic Ocean to reach the United States.

Nowadays,  the breed standards change between the British and North American ones. The former have a more oriental aspect, while the latter have characteristics in common with the Russian Blue.

Havana Brown puppies

Physical characteristics of the Havana Brown cat

Aside from its typical chocolate color, the breed also admits lilac. The other characteristics of the Havana Brown cat are:

  • Body: muscular and flexible.
  • Size: medium.
  • Weight: Between 2.5 kg and 5 kg. Males are larger than females.
  • Head: Longer than wide (wedge-shaped) and with a developed and square chin.
  • Eyes: oval, bright and lively.
  • Ears: large, wide, triangular but round at the tip. They are erect and tilted forward, as if it were always on alert. Inside they are pinkish.
  • Nose: small and angular.
  • Neck: muscular, long and cylindrical.
  • Legs: Strong and long. The posterior ones are longer than the anterior ones.
  • Tail: Long and cylindrical, tapering towards the tip.
  • Hair: short, thick and shiny.

An affectionate, active and intelligent feline

Curious, cheerful and playful, the Havana Brown wants you to pay attention to him and give him plenty of cuddles. If you don’t, he’ll let you know he wants them.

It is an animal that adapts easily to different situations,  and despite being a very active cat, it can live safely inside a house.

Extroverted and very self-confident, he  is a feline who is particularly fond of only one member of the family. Who will be the lucky one?

Havana Brown cat among the flowers

How to take care of a Havana Brown?

The Havana Brown is a strong and healthy cat, and can live 10 to 15 years. Despite this, he can suffer from:

  • Cold (you have to keep it away from excessive cold and humidity).
  • Lung and breathing problems.
  • Internal parasites.

Brushing him once a week is enough to keep his short, shiny coat in good condition. At the same time, it is necessary for the feline to exercise every day, not only to keep fit, but also to do what he loves most: playing.

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