Pet Friendly University: Take Your Dog To Work

Pet friendly university: take your dog to work

Among the new advances in business, the idea of ​​bringing pets with us to the office is increasingly accepted. Let’s see the case of Pet Friendly Universities.

The United States and its Pet Friendly Universities

This summer, in June, many offices in the United States celebrated the “Bring Your Dog to Work” day. This initiative started with three hundred companies, but the number has grown significantly over the years, reaching almost two thousand participants.

These data prompted a San Francisco research company to carry out a study on the subject, to understand what benefits could derive from keeping our pet in the place where we work. The results were remarkable, revealing important benefits for pet owners, comparing them to those who did not have the same company.

There is currently an increasing trend to allow pets into hospitals, nursing homes, schools and other places, including some offices. The advantages are numerous, such as that of reducing anxiety and increasing levels of well-being, in particular, in an environment as stressful as that of a company.

Benefits of bringing your pet to a hotel, workplace or pet friendly university

The stress


With the company of their pet, workers are less stressed for the simple reason that they find a way out if they feel burdened by some situation, and can relate to their pets. Petting the animal, playing small games with it or talking to it brings relief.

A study conducted by Virginia Commonwealth University, one of the pet friendly universities, revealed that owners who can go to work with their dog see their stress levels decrease.

To confirm this, the stress levels across a working day of three different groups of employees were compared. On the one hand, those who had brought the dog to the office and those who had left the dog at home, and on the other hand, those who had no pets.

Another finding from these studies is that this reduction in stress level only occurred in dog owners who had brought their pet to the office, as those who had left their friend at home or those who had no pets. , they had benefited to a lesser extent.

Improvement of communication

Even if it doesn’t seem like it, taking the dog to the office is also an important stimulus to strengthen a good relationship between co-workers. Furthermore, many studies confirm that these animals promote the initiation of conversations and facilitate communication between people in the workplace.

Encouragement of creativity and productivity

Pauses to assist the animal during work help improve accuracy and overall performance.

In this way, a little play or a short walk with him will have a very positive effect on the health of the workers and their stress levels. There can also be positive consequences for decreasing absences due to health problems, stress or anxiety. If you don’t have a pet, there are many options for adopting one.

Savings for assistance

Logically, in addition to the emotional benefits, having the dog by our side while we work will also have an effect on our economy, among other things due to the fact that it will not be necessary to spend money to hire a dog sitter or for a pension.

A clear conscience

It is normal for our work to take up most of our days. If we add to this the time spent on the move, to go to the gym, to be with friends … the hours we spend with our furry friend are few.

This can generate a sense of guilt and concern because the animal is alone in the house. If we had the chance to take him to work, that guilt would go away.

The animal is happy

Another consequence, in addition to the benefits for the dog owners, is that the situation would also affect the dog’s mood, which would be much happier, given that, being a very social animal, it does not do well alone.

Some limitations


While there are many advantages of going to work with animals, it must also be considered that not everyone appreciates having a dog around. There may be people who are allergic or who are afraid of dogs. For this reason, it is essential that the dogs you bring to the office have good behavior.

Dogs that have some kind of aggressive behavior towards people, who don’t know how to do their business on the street, who bark too much or who have any behavior that may be problematic, are not ideal candidates for going to work with their owners. .

Another important aspect is that dogs should be adequately free of parasites and not suffer from contagious health problems.

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