Puppies: How Is Their First Month Of Life?

Puppies: what is their first month of life like?

Very often, looking at puppies, we realize how vulnerable and fragile they are, if we have one at home then we are assailed by doubts about how we should behave, what we should feed them or what kind of attention we should give them. We have already talked about puppies on several occasions, but in this article we will focus in particular on their first month of life.

Just like for humans and other species of animals, the first weeks of life of puppies are essential, as well as providing them with basic care, they must be educated and taught good manners from the beginning.  


When the litter is born, you have to be very careful with both the mother and the puppies. It is truly a beautiful moment and even if we will be present to observe the event in its entirety, it will be only the mother who will take care of everything. She will clean them when they are born, heat them and feed them.

It is very important not to separate the puppies from the mother before they are two months old, because she will teach them what it means to be a dog. Even if it is equally important to get them used to the human presence right away.

The surrounding environment


It is very important that the mother and the puppies are as comfortable as possible and that they are surrounded by a positive environment. The first 3 weeks of life for the litter are of fundamental importance, therefore it is necessary to take the necessary measures so that there are no problems of any kind. The place where the puppies are located must have a humidity between 55% and 65%, this way there is no risk of the puppies becoming dehydrated.

Humidity is not the only important thing, the temperature must be the right one, around 30 °. It is important that the puppies do not feel cold and do not shiver.

The different stages of the first month

Within the first month of life of the puppies, it is necessary to differentiate 3 different stages in which the dog will need distinct care.

First step

The first stage runs from the moment of birth until the moment he opens his eyes and  lasts approximately 10 days during which the puppies do not see and hear. The only thing they do is  sleep and eat, of  course they will have to be nursed by the mother. If for any reason the mother cannot breastfeed her babies, then we will have to do it with the help of a bottle.

The same thing happens with defecation, if the mother is taking care of the puppies, then she will make sure they are always clean and dry, if not you will have to take care of them yourself, but remember that you will always have to keep them clean to avoid diseases.

Second stage


The second stage lasts from 11 to 21 days approximately. At the beginning of this phase, the puppies must be exclusively breastfed, but around the 21st day of life they can begin to ingest solid food.

Their senses will begin to wake up, they will see for the first time and they will begin to walk. The eyes will be light in color and will be covered with a limb that will disappear later. They will also begin to make their first noises, to bark and the first teeth will appear. This is also a very beautiful and tender phase.

Third stage

This is the last stage of the first month of life of the puppies which goes from the 22nd to the 30th day of life. The first teeth have already appeared, so they begin to ingest solid food. In the beginning, to get them used to it, you can mix the food with a little milk to make it softer.

When the first teeth appear, puppies react exactly like children, they are assaulted by an irrepressible desire to bite anything, so if you want to have some furniture and even some pairs of shoes left, don’t forget to remove all these objects from the sight of the children. puppies and instead provide them with objects that they can bite and that “accidentally” are within their reach.

The care that puppies need

In addition to taking care of their basic needs, such as providing them with food, water and attention, you will also need to provide other types of care for your puppies, such as vaccinating them and taking them to the vet on a regular basis. 

Your love and attention are absolutely essential for the puppy , but don’t forget that you will also have to work hard to give him a good education.

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