Rowdy, The Dog Who Conquered Social Networks

Rowdy, the dog who conquered social networks

Rowdy is an absolutely normal dog, except for one small detail. Despite being a black Labrador, he has two white spots around his eyes, which are caused by the disease of Vitiligo. And this characteristic has not gone unnoticed. Thanks to social networks, Rowdy’s particular nose has become a true viral phenomenon, allowing to increase the information on this strange chronic disease that affects the skin.

Here’s how Rowdy became an Internet star

Ecco Rowdy, il cane che ha conquistato le reti sociali
Source: white_eyed_rowdy Instagram

Until two years ago, Rowdy’s fur was completely black. Almost suddenly, two white spots began to appear on his face , right around the eyes. And they kept growing.

After asking several veterinarians for medical advice, his owner discovered the cause of this strange phenomenon. Rowdy suffers from vitiligo, a condition which, although without serious consequences, causes the depigmentation of the coat or skin (in humans).

The fact is that the area affected by the disease is truly unique. The new face of our four-legged friend has helped him become a real viral phenomenon on the Internet. Someone has come to think that the eye contour had been painted, on purpose, to attract attention.

This is the story of Rowdy, the black Labrador who became an Internet star due to the vitiligo around his eyes. However, this is not a publicity stunt to make money from his problems. On the contrary, the muzzle of this cute dog is used today to  sensitize people to this disease which affects about 1% of the world population.

Thanks to Rowdy we talk about Vitiligo

Nobody can remain indifferent in front of Rowdy’s photos and, in fact, the people of social networks have contributed with comments and sharing to make him really famous. Good news for those who work to combat and treat Vitiligo, which hardly anyone talks about.

A nice way to make everyone aware of the presence of this depigmentation that affects people with dark skin and often, unfortunately, even children.

For the moment, Vitiligo cannot be cured. It must be said that, however, it does not cause physical problems to those who suffer from it. Of course, the affected areas are more sensitive when exposed to the sun. If anything, for humans, it is an aesthetic problem, which can negatively affect the psychological and socialization level.

We know Rowdy better

This beautiful black Labrador is already 14 years old, some ailments due to age, but he is always surrounded by the great love of his family, the Umberhowers. He lives in Canby, a city in the state of Oregon (United States) together with its owners. But his fame has now reached every corner of the planet.

You can find Rowdy’s photos and videos on countless social networks such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, as well as on her official website. Updates on his adventures are published every day .

In short, he is probably the most famous and beloved ambassador of the Vitiligo Research Foundation of America (AVRF) today.

Dog breeds prone to suffer from this disease

Vitiligo occurs when the body starts making  antibodies against the cells that produce the skin’s pigments. A disease that affects different breeds of dogs, some more than others. For instance:

  • Doberman
  • German Shepherd
  • Belgian Shepherd
  • Rotweiler
  • Alaskan Malamute
  • Golden Retriever
  • Siberian Husky
  • Yellow Labrador

Read more on Vitiligo in Dogs

We have already explained that the disease simply causes discoloration, without pain or other severe symptoms. The most evident visual effect, due to discoloration, affects these areas the most:

  • nose
  • lip
  • face
  • the inside of the mouth
  • the lower part of the legs.

The causes of vitiligo  are still unknown. However, it would be an autoimmune disease that can affect animals or humans.

Here is Rowdy, the dog who has conquered social networks

Animals always help us

The way Rowdy lives, plays and demonstrates her happiness is the best help for people suffering from Vitiligo. It helps them understand that aesthetics don’t matter and that you can live normally and be as cheerful and happy as before.

Another proof of how much animals are able to give an example to the most advanced  homo sapiens . Unfortunately, we don’t always return this kind of generosity.

We must never forget their role on Earth and every man must contribute to their safeguard and protection. Against any kind of abuse or violence.

Photo source: Instagram Account: white_eyed_rowdy

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