Tegu: A Reptile That Celebrates Like Dogs

Dogs and cats aren’t the only pets we can host in our homes. The tegu, a huge reptile, is the perfect pet for those looking to bring a touch of the exotic into their life.
Tegu: a reptile that parties like dogs

Can you imagine a dog-sized lizard walking on the sidewalk on a leash? As bizarre and extravagant as this situation may seem, the tegu is the domestic reptile whose behavior most closely resembles that of dogs.

Today we introduce you to the species Salvator merianae,  an animal that, although it has a ferocious appearance and considerable size, is one of the giant exotic pets preferred by the more adventurous people.

The characteristics of the tegu

The black and white Argentine tegu is the largest species in the Teiidae family of reptiles . The following are some of its features:

  • They are very large animals, which can reach 140 centimeters in length, including the tail (the males are larger).
  • Their coloring consists of a white base with horizontal black spots, which vary greatly from individual to individual.
  • The head is very heavy and features prominent jaws.
  • They are omnivorous and peaceful animals, usually very docile in their adult stage.
  • In their natural habitat they can live up to 20 years.

A very striking feature of these lizards is that, according to some studies, they are among the few partially endothermic reptiles. Which means that, during the period of reproduction, they can have a body temperature up to 10 degrees higher than that of the environment in which they are found.

Most reptiles are ectotherms; in other words, their body temperature completely depends on the environment they are in.

Tegu asleep.

Tegu: care and attention

First of all, it must be pointed out that in many countries the detention of a tegu may be illegal. In Spain, for example, it is forbidden to own any reptile over two kilograms in weight in adulthood (tegu can reach 7 kilograms).

In Italy, on the other hand, where since 1996 the prohibition of keeping dangerous animals has been in force, it is possible to own a tegu, a reptile that now enjoys good popularity.

In addition, you need to make 100% sure that the reptile is from a professional breeding. Any animal removed from its natural environment represents a loss for its habitat, a phenomenon which, in the long term, promotes the extinction of the species in question.

Once these ideas are taken into account, in order to adopt a tegu what remains is the hardest part to deal with. The requirements that his terrarium must enjoy, in fact, are the following:

  • A living space of at least two meters in length and one meter in width.
  • A layer based on coir or cypress bark (which adequately collects moisture).
  • The relative humidity of the terrarium should be between 75% and 90%. To achieve this it is necessary to spray the layer with water two or three times a day.
  • The living space must have a temperature gradient, with a cool zone at 27 ° C and a warm zone at around 37 ° C. It can be created through the use of thermal blankets and a UVB lamp that produces heat.

As we can see, we are faced with an animal that is less demanding than a dog, as regards its needs in going out or exercising, but which requires the adoption of some very precise environmental parameters. For this purpose, it is necessary to continuously monitor the temperature and humidity present in the terrarium.

Diet and behavior

Tegu are omnivores and feed on a wide variety of foods. In the juvenile stage they prey on invertebrates such as beetles, crickets, snails and spiders. Over time, a greater protein intake is needed, in the form of meat and fish.

For these animals, the diet is not a problem, since they also eat fruit, vegetables, eggs and many other vegetables. Remember that, as in the case of any other pet, variety is of fundamental importance.

Finally, it is necessary to point out that tegu are quiet and relatively sociable animals, which allow themselves to be touched and even embraced by their guardians. In many cases they accept to wear a leash to go out for a walk during the hottest hours of the day.

In any case, to achieve this result it is necessary to undertake a long familiarization process together with the animal. Recall that these reptiles are not predisposed, from an evolutionary point of view, to interact with humans, as is the case with dogs.

Tegu strolling on a meadow.

An atypical pet

As we have seen, tegu are pets that have very specific requirements and a high initial cost, because you need to invest money to purchase a large living space, thermal blankets and UVB light sources.

However, once established, this animal is undemanding, autonomous and able to receive affection and recognize its guardian. That a reptile over a meter in length rushes to your call to climb onto your leg as a sign of affection is priceless satisfaction.

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