The 8 Most Affectionate Cat Breeds In The World

The 8 most affectionate cat breeds in the world

Felines are said to be very independent, grumpy and don’t like interacting with people too much. Even less so with animals considered ‘enemies’, such as dogs. In reality, this is mainly due to three elements: the age of the animal, the characteristics of its personality and, needless to say, the type of breed it belongs to. If you love these little cats as well as curiosities, here are the 8 most affectionate cat breeds in the world.

Which cats are the most affectionate?

Playful, adorable, always ready to run on their owners’ lap in search of cuddles and purring. These are the inherent characteristics of the most sociable cat breeds. However, each cat breed is different and its attitude, towards owners and other people, may depend on how the cat was raised or on any childhood traumas, at the level of socialization. By and large, these are the sweetest and most affectionate cats in the world:

1. Persian

He is known as “the tiger of the sofa” because he loves to sleep and rest for a long time. He is quite lazy and at the same time affectionate and sociable. Living with a Persian cat means forgetting the problems of living together. Moreover, it does not suffer at all from the presence of other pets, quite the contrary. His temper is calm, he can sometimes “sin” for how sweet he is. You’ll also love taking a classic nap with him by your side. She needs a lot of love and pampering. If you don’t give him enough, no problem: he’ll come looking for them.

2. Siamese

It is another of the most affectionate cat breeds that exist. He is very sweet with children and has, not surprisingly, an almost infinite patience. One of the peculiarities of the Siamese cat is that it usually waits for its owner behind the door, just like a dog would. Although he has a lively and curious temperament, he is also a pet that knows how to express his love and feelings. In addition, he is very intelligent and will know how to communicate with you more than effectively.

siamese cat in a meadow

3. Ragdoll

If you are looking for a good friend and companion, this breed is ideal. The Ragdoll is an animal that is more than sociable, loving and always ready to seek your company. In some cases, he can get a little nervous if you pick him up and pick him up. He prefers to have his paws on the ground. When you get home, this kitty will probably be waiting for you to rub against your legs and welcome you with a healthy dose of purr.

4. Angora cat

One of the most sociable and most beautiful cat breeds in existence. It is originally from Turkey (the city of Ankara gives its name to the breed) and is characterized by exceptional elegance. He does not like being alone, and always prefers the company of his owner. He is unlikely to turn down an afternoon of playing and cuddling. These little cats love to run, jump and have fun. In addition, they are very curious and, too, like to wait for the master when he comes home.

5. Maine Coon

This breed is very popular in the United States and is one of the most affectionate group of cats to be found on the face of the Earth. They get along very well with children, are sociable all the time and show their feelings to the owners. The Maine Coon is a large specimen, it loves to bathe and dive into the water. Within the family they will choose a specific member to whom they can offer greater affection and loyalty. They get along very well with other pets.

a maine coom cat on the snow

6. Sacred cat of Burma

Elegant and very large in size, this cat has a rather docile personality, despite its size. Quiet and affectionate, he loves spending time next to his master. It loves quiet places and is the ideal choice if you want to adopt a cat and do not have small children in the house.

7. American Bombay

It is arguably one of the lesser known breeds on this list, but it is just as affectionate as any we’ve analyzed so far. He never misses an opportunity to show love  to the family that welcomes him and is a fairly quiet cat. Among the qualities of the American Bombay certainly stands out the fact that it is a very silent little feline, which almost never meows.

8. Exotic Shorthair

This cat is so sociable and affectionate that it can’t stand being alone. Some specimens get sick of loneliness, so it is a breed suitable for those who can spend several hours a day indoors. He will always try to be close to his family and loves the days of celebration, when everyone gets together in the hall or at the table. He gets along well with other pets and his favorite bed is definitely his owner’s womb.

Main image author: Francesc González

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